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Well here it is, the update that most of you were waiting for. I hope that you enjoy!



"Kurama speaking"


-Timeskip 4 years later-

Naruto's POV.

Training was exhausting, but i can manage. I made myself do more training then of what i'm used to.

The walk home right now is relaxing, i'll probably sleep like a log. I saw a Kumo ninja coming my way and stopped.

"Lord Raikage requests your presence." He said calmly, then after he delivered his message he was gone again.

Well that was fast, and why does the Raikage wanna see me? I'll better find out then, i made my way to the Raikage tower in a fast pace.

When i entered i made my way to his office, i've managed to remember most of the things in this village.

Then i stood before the doors of his office, i knocked and i heard a 'Come in'. I entered and saw that B and Yugito where also here.

"Naruto, its good that you're here. We can finally begin." He said when he saw that is was me, i've done much missions while i was here.

2 Years is enough to make a name for yourself in a new village, i've been respected. More than in Konoha thats for sure.

I stepped next to Yugito and B, they have been my team ever since i came to this village. And i'm gratefull for that.

"I have a mission for the three of you." He said while handing me some documents, the room felt a little bit tense.

I guess that Yugito and B already know the mission that we have, but what made them so tense? I opend the envelope that documents where in.

I froze when i read the first sentence. A alliance with Konoha?! What has gotten into their heads to make an alliance with them?

I looked at the Raikage, he wasn't gonna change it and i knew that. Then he spoke.

"You are to go with your team to Konoha and establish a alliance between us and them, understood?" He said, there was no place for arguments. He wasn't asking something he was ordering me to go.

The whole room was silent, i nodded my head and left immediatly after that. I felt Yugito and B follow me.

When we where out of the tower i turned to my team, i don't know why but sometimes it seems that i'm the leader. I don't want that, we're a team no leaders just teamwork.

"Tomorrow morning at 6 before the gate." I said to them, they nodded and made their way home. B was awfully silent the whole time i saw him, in the office and outside.

Its seems like it that i'm not the only one who doesn't really wanna go there. I proceeded to make my way home and get a well deserved rest.

-The next day-

I slowly opend my eyes and sat up, fighting your sleepyness of is not something that i like. What if you where on a mission and when you stopped to sleep a little bit.

But all of sudden you're attacked and you have fight away your sleepyness at the same time is not something that i wanna do.

I yawned loudly and and pulled my covers away, then i set my feet on the floor. I stood up and did my morning routine like always.

But then i realized something, today was the day of the mission. I groaned inwardly, i still refused to think of Konoha.

I can only think of the reactions they will have when they see me, probably won't be good ones. And then there's Sasuke.

I saved him and he's the reason why i'm here, i could literally hear Kurama growl with the mention of Sasuke's name.

Seems like it that he still doesn't like Uchiha's and for several reasons, i'm not gonna say all of them or i'll be here for a long time.

After when i was done i opend the door of my appartement and closed it behind me while locking it. I jumped onto the roofs and made my way to the gates.

I got several greetings from people in the streets when i passed by, i always responded with a big grin. I've taken a liking to the people here.

And it seems that they think the same, thats one of the reasons why i love it here more. I was close to the gates and finally arrived.

I greeted B and Yugito and we went over our plan, going to Konoha is a long trip. So we needed to be prepared for all sorts of things.

Well we where prepared well, so i guess things could go smoothly. Once ready with our plan we went out and set for Konoha.

I had prepared myself both physically and mentally, i know i needed to prepare my emotions for cruel reactions and insults.

But i am confident, i have B and Yugito by my side and i believe that they will defend me. As far as i know they have done that from the beginning.

They are like an older brother and sister to me ... Actually Yugito is more than that, but i'm not gonna go into details.

The journey is gonna take some time but we'll get there and hopefully we come back with an alliance between the leaf and cloud.

Thats it for now, hihi i settled with a cliffhanger. Schools starting soon T0T, i can't live like this. And because of that there are gonna be less updates, but i don't know that for sure. School starts at the first of september, hell is gonna break loose, there are gonna be more people to hate to. Everyone is wish all of you luck with your schools, i'm gonna update just so you have something good ;). (But its probaly not gonna be so good). See ya (^0^)/!

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