Jimin fiddles with his suspenders as he smoothes the white shirt tucked into his black pants. A brown hat adorns his head, his hair completely concealed by it. "And Seokjin hyung has also asked us to get him a box of cupcakes. Something about how the sugar in his system will help in fending off whatever evil is lurking on campus tonight." He rolls his eyes, and Miran laughs.

Yoongi marvels at how normal they all seem. Maybe it is for Miran's benefit. "Thanks, I guess, for having me here," he says slowly, his eyes trained on nothing in particular. The words aren't as hard to utter as he thought, but he is glad to be blessed with a poker face.

No one says anything and for a moment, Miran dreads a repeat of their confrontation when Soyoung's body was found. But Inha, clad in a Soul Reaper costume with a sword strapped to her waist, quickly replies before anyone can respond. "The more the merrier! And it helps me practice my styling skills so I'm definitely not complaining." She dares Namjoon to refute her, a steely look in her eyes. "Am I wrong?"

"No, babe, of course not," he manages to say, his usual eloquence subdued by the gulp he struggles to swallow. But the bizarreness of the situation is not lost on him. Min Yoongi is standing right there, before them, and the President of the Student Council could never have been prepared for such a turn of events even in his wildest of dreams.

"Well, now that we've established that no one is going to kill anyone," Miran says lightly, a teasing lilt to her voice, "I'm going to go get changed."

Hoseok reappears beside Yoongi and jerks a thumb towards his bedroom. "You guys can change in there," he says, trudging deeper into the dressing room and turning to face them. Yoongi nods, motioning for Miran to go first while he waits.

An awkward silence descends over them in her wake, and Taehyung clears his throat loudly. "I wonder what event they have planned," he begins, grinning at Namjoon cheekily. "Can't you at least give us a hint, Prez?"

Namjoon shakes his head, but he is glad that Taehyung's quick thinking has dissolved the discomfited pause. "No way. Plus, this time, the Event Committee has worked on designing the game we're supposed to participate in so even the Council is in the dark. All I know is that it's going to be a fucking ride from Hell itself," he states amusedly, and Hoseok shivers.

"It can't be that bad, right? I mean, they can't have students fainting or dying of a heart attack," he utters dramatically, clutching his heart, and Yoongi cannot help but smile at his exaggeration.

Jungkook clicks his tongue, an evil smirk on his face. "I hope it has something to do with Armageddon. Now that would be fun."

Inha, who is now bestowing her ministrations on Hoseok, snickers. From what Yoongi can gauge, only he and Miran are yet to slip into their attire. Everybody else seems perfectly prepped and groomed already, Inha's deft fingers rearranging the nuances of their facial features to accentuate the clothes they are wearing and the identities they are assuming.

"I'm betting a thousand won that it's going to be the haunted house thing the committee organizes every fucking year," Jimin states with a shudder. Much like Hoseok and Seokjin, he is not a fan of horrific traps and half dead people springing at him out of nowhere. He shrugs into his tweed coat, giving himself a final onceover before turning to the front of the room. "And I'm also betting a thousand won that Hoseok is going to shit his pants. Again."

Everyone bursts into laughter, while Hoseok mutters a livid, "Look who's talking," while playfully choking Jimin who roars in pain. Just then, Miran returns, and Yoongi admires the midnight blue blouse which offsets the colour of her hair. Her legs are visible beneath the tight black skirt she has donned, a beige beret fixed over her braided locks. A scarf is knotted around her neck and her outfit is completed by heeled boots which click against the floors.

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