My hand begins to wobble as I do her eyeshadow, subtle enough to go unnoticed.

"Scar, are you ok?" Ella finally questions, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I give my best smile and try to steady my hand to finish up the look. I'm almost done.

The girls share a look, "Are you sure it's the best thing for you to go tonight?" Stella asks, voicing their thoughts, and mine too.

I finish up Ella's eyes and snap the eyeshadow palette shut forcefully. "I'm perfectly fine. I plan on going to go to this party and enjoying a night of high school without worrying or caring about any thing or person." Besides Sage that is.

I deserve a night off. I want to be normal for a change, to let loose and have fun without feeling bad.

Ella gives my shoulder a tight squeeze, "You can, just remember what Dr. O'Shannon said about taking a step back at times like this."

My blood runs cold at the thought of my therapist. "I'm leaving now." I say monotonously, leaving my room to head downstairs.

I know Ella's just trying to be nice but I don't need a mother, I already had one of those. I know what's best for me. I know my limits and I'm nowhere near it. I'll be perfectly fine. It's just a bunch of high schoolers, what could possibly go wrong?

Sage is waiting downstairs in ripped black jeans, a white shirt, and a jean jacket.

We stare each other down, taking notice of the others black jeans. Why do we always pick matching clothes? We aren't twins, we don't have a telepathy. Just an annoying habit.

"I'm not changing." I declare

As Sage points at me, "Go change."

Are we predictable or what?

No one moves, stuck in a stalemate. This could last for hours, it did in the infamous jersey incident of 2016.

We stand there glaring at each other, my hands on my hips while his are crossed over his chest. But before we get the chance to break new records Ella grabs Sage and drags him to the door.

"The party's already started, let's go." She demands.

Of course Ella grabs one of her cameras from her car before we leave.


The party's in full swing by the time we arrive.

Teenagers of varying drunk degrees stumble around the secluded cabin. Gabe's parents bought this place a few years ago with the hopes of moving. However, since it's in the middle of nowhere, they decided to wait until he graduates to move.

A poor choice on their behalf, their future home now party central for Riverview. Part of me wonders if they even know the fate of their property.

I can hear pop music blasting from speakers as we walk up the gravel path. Shoes and red solo cups line the walkway, acting as guiding bread crumbs to the chaos. People are on the porch. Some making out while others play cards, each group ignoring the other.

My eyes scan the cabin, taking in the features hidden beneath the party grime. It's a shame this place is so pretty. Natural wood with high ceilings. An updated kitchen can be seen from the front door in the back of the house. A hot tub and pool through the back door. I'm able to squint and I see people swimming despite the fact it's freezing out.

Teenagers are stupid.

As we enter the entire football team shouts for Sage, who soaks up the attention like a sponge. He eventually gets pulled away to play a game of beer pong. Something difficult to do when you don't drink.

Life in Color ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant