xxii. stay strong

Start from the beginning

"I'm not here for you," Pike stated when Kane asked if he had more time. "Each of you is guilty as the same crimes as Kane, and as such, you will share the same fate. Death."

Denae talked in Trigedasleng, scared, but Lincoln assured her that it was fine. It wasn't. Riley felt her jaw drop, and she looked between Pike to Lincoln, frightened at the thought of not only the three of them dying, but her as well. "My people are innocent," he said, hushed, through the gate. "They know nothing. Don't let them suffer for my crimes, please," he begged.

"Sir, Lincoln's right," Bellamy spoke up. "All the others did was run through an open door, same thing we would do if we were in there." His gaze wandered to Riley. "Same thing Riley did." She wanted to snap, and tell him she didn't need him defending her, but it wasn't the time.

Mulling it over, Pike finally nodded. "I believe that's true," he finally spoke. "Kane, Lincoln, Sinclair, as the leaders of this coup, you will pay for your crimes with your lives. Execution is set for dawn," he ordered.

"Wait!" Riley exclaimed, confused, upon not hearing her name. "What about.."

"Pascal," Pike interrupted, his glare in her direction. She clamped her mouth shut, but stepped forward when hearing it. "You should thank Bellamy Blake," he informed her, nodding towards the male beside him. "Because of his words about you, you will answer to your crimes, but your sentence has been spared. But if you screw up again, it won't end well."

At Pike's okay, Bellamy unlocked the cell door and opened it. Riley stood for a second, quiet, before Kane had nudged her. She finally complied, stepping out, but not wanting to leave them. The second she had, the door shut behind her before they could have a repeat.

Although Riley wanted to leave, she stayed, watching as Bellamy hung back before turning around. When he had, he was nearly face to face with her. The pair stopped, holding gazes, before he finally spoke. "I don't expect a thank you."

"Good," Riley stated simply. "You shouldn't." Even though she was thankful that Bellamy managed to convince Pike to spare her, her pride was too strong. He turned back around after giving her a hurt expression and finally left.

When Riley was absolutely sure they were out of earshot, she stalked back to the gate. "Don't worry," she assured the three being sentenced to death. "I'll warn Harper, Miller, and Octavia. We're getting you out," she promised, determined.

"Riley, no," Kane said, pressing his hand against the fence. "You heard Pike. You screw up again, you'll face a bigger consequence," he pointed out, unrealizing as of now, Riley didn't care.

"He is right," Lincoln cut in. "Do not risk your life for this."

Riley did think she was scared to die, but now, she knew she wasn't. She shrugged, careless, while backing up. "Everything I've done from Mount Weather to now was to save people," she said, expressing her revolution pride with a raise of her hands. There was nothing they could do to stop her. "Besides, I like a challenge."


"What are we going to do?"

Harper and Miller looked up at the question. Riley cornered them, unable to find Octavia, and brought them to a secluded room so no one could overhear them planning to save the three sentenced to death. They were at a loss at the question, unable to find an answer. Before, it was Kane that made up the plans. Now, they were on their own. "We should get Octavia in on this," Miller finally suggested. "She should know what to do, maybe.."

Suddenly, Miller stopped speaking when the there was a knock on the door. Pike had took away her weapons, but the others had their hands to their holsters. She held her hand up, giving them the signal not to pull them out. It could be anyone, even Pike, wanting to know what they were up to. She slowly opened it a crack, and let her guard down with a roll of her eyes when seeing Bellamy in her view.

"What the hell do you want?" Riley whispered angrily, astonished as to how he could show his face after standing beside Pike when he ordered the deaths of his friends. Bellamy gave her a look of disbelief, before motioning with a shake of his head for her to open the door wider and allowed him inside.

Confused as to why Bellamy wasn't talking, Riley didn't want to seem suspicious, and pushed the door the rest of the way open. Bellamy slid inside without a word, and to Riley's surprise, it was Monty behind him that quietly closed the door.

Bellamy strided over the room to Miller, pulling out a knife. Riley was on guard immediately, as were the other two, who tightened a grip on their guns. Bellamy held his hands in defense, showing the three he meant no harm. He reached forward, gripping Miller's bulletproof vest with one hand. Before Riley could warn Bellamy not to hurt Miller, Monty put his arm out in front of her, silently telling her it would be fine. She watched as Bellamy carefully cut a piece off of the vest, handing Miller the knife, and pulling a small chip out of the hole he cut.

Riley's head moved back and forth from Monty to Bellamy, silently livid at the chip planted inside of Miller's vest, but knowing she couldn't speak. He handed it to Monty, who folded a pocket over it. "The bag blocks the signal," he informed them. "Now we can talk."

"Who put it there?" Miller demanded to know.

"That's not important right now," Bellamy retorted, and Riley realized he was right. There was no point in arguing over how it got there. "You all know Pike sentenced Lincoln and Sinclair to death, alongside Kane."

"You here to scare us?" Harper snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.

Gently, Monty argued. "No. We're here to help. What can we do?" He questioned.

"We can help from the inside," Bellamy tried to assure them. "To pull this off, we need people to hand them to on the outside."

"Seriously?" Riley said, shocked and angry. "After what you both did?" She looked at Monty, knowing he was full of regret, but was unable to help herself from lashing out. They wouldn't have been in this mess if they weren't on the wrong side, they could have helped from the beginning.

"I saved your life back there," Bellamy shot back. "Even though you tried to kick my ass."

Snorting, Riley dug the tip of her boot into the ground. "I did kick your ass," she muttered, a bit bitter, under her breath.

"Yeah, you think we want them to die?" Monty pointed out, desperate to help.

"You know what? Forget it," Bellamy declared. "If my sister wants to save Lincoln's life, you tell her to meet me at the dropship in an hour." Monty sighed, calling his name as Bellamy took his knife back and left, slamming the door behind him.

Defeated, Monty turned back to look at Riley. "After everything we've been through, you don't trust me?" He asked, hurt.

Curling her lower lip, Riley scowled at him before answering coldly. "Does your mom know you're here, Monty?"

𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠︱monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now