Rileta,Part 13

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Our little excursion trip didn't go exactly the way it was planned to. Earlier, it was decided that Mr. Fassy would be accompanying the four of us. Unfortunately or rather fortunately, due to some last minute work, he had to stay back. Elitsa, who was very firm on her promises, allowed us to go in pairs-Arden with me and Tyler with Irene. She clearly didn't want me going with Tyler. When asked by Mr. Fassy about the same, she replied, " Olyn  zolo  rets vi se declo jewazo kif deqo ." , which I translated as 'This boy is not a good influence for her.' Mr. Fassy sniggered, or so I thought  and agreed with her. 

For safety purposes, we were made to wear special shoes that have a tracking device fitted in them. Fortunately, we were allowed to wear normal clothes again and we were taken to a warehouse sort of place where they had all types and sizes of clothing. Tyler's reaction being"Damn" as soon as he stepped foot inside the warehouse.This room was definitely  a heaven for people who loved shopping. How on Earth, sorry let me rephrase that. How on Oclore can one have a warehouse full of human clothes?Burglary?

I chose a black skinny jeans and a checkered shirt style top. Irene and Arden chose  hoodies . Tyler chose  except the shoes of a white V-neck tee, a black jacket and a ripped blue jeans.As soon were dressed and ready we were sent off from two different gates .

 Now, here I am with Arden walking (because they couldn't afford a vehicle for us!) quietly by my side and it has been half an hour since we set out.

We haven't entered the city or whatever they call it here, till now. We have been walking through a weird forest kind of place. I say weird because it's not very 'Earthly'. There are trees,yes, but they don't exactly have green leaves. Instead the leaves are all violet , giving it the feeling of an enchanted forest from some fantasy movie. The sunlight isn't yellow or white either, instead it is red. Apparently, this planet revolves around a red dwarf star. Maybe the colour of the leaves has something to do with the sunlight?

I think this forest is never going to end. What greatness do I find in a strange forest? I think Elitsa is just messing with us, there's nothing here. It's a deserted place. And I even said Thank You to her. Oh God! And this silence, this ear-deafening silence ! Why can't Arden start a conversation like a normal person?

"Did you hear that?", My begrudgings are cut in the middle by the ever so calm voice of Arden.

I turn my face towards him,"What?"

"Pay attention"was all he says before I too hear a sound coming from somewhere behind the trees.

"What was it?", I speak, a little scared now. What could that be? A monster? A wild animal? A killer sent to finish us off?

"Let's find out.", Arden starts walking towards the sound without giving me a chance to deny. I follow him, unwillingly of course.It's like a scene from a horror movie. You hear a sound and you're supposed to run away but no, you go towards that sound. I thought real life would logical, I guess I thought wrong. I try  not to make any sound while I move. Arden does the same except he doesn't even look half as terrified as I do. That or he is extremely good at hiding his emotions.

As we close in, the sound becomes more prominent and audible. It appears as if someone is striking at a tree with an axe. Not a good news,I believe. We reach the place from where the sound was coming and find an Oclorian, with aqua hair and skin,and wearing human clothes.Okay, maybe they do wear human clothes. Concentrate, Nia. He is  standing with an axe tightly clutched in his hands and he seems to be  ready to attack any one he sees. Uh-oh.

"Ah, humans?", the Oclorian speaks as he slowly lowers the axe, visibly relaxed and he ever-so-slightly squints his eyes to study us.

"Gi fersa saz ret poka vicar wecaza. Zobi vonu vi feda humans sakap jikum tal, vi mil nuf rileta onep .",  he explains his earlier posture and I translate it as - 'I thought it was some wild animal. We don't see humans very often here, not in the forest atleast.'

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