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**There might be some grammatical mistakes or typing errors.If you find any,feel free to tell me about it and I would correct it as soon as possible. All I need is your support,so read on**


"Wake up, Wake up Nia otherwise you'll be late for school. It's already 6:30 and your school bus leaves at 7.Get up darling."

6:30 already. NO.

I sit up on my bed with a jerk. Hurry Nia, or you'll be late, again. I give a hurried look at the clock on the wall, just in front of my bed. "Arghh....Not again" I complain. It is only 6 O'clock now. Mothers. I sit on my bed, debating, whether I should get ready for school or continue my precious sleep for another ten minutes. I choose the former as I am wide awake now. Well played mom.

In a minute ,I am on my feet, walking towards the bathroom. I was ready for school by 6:50 am. I chose to wear a black tank top with a denim jacket over it and a pair of black skinny jeans. Sometimes, actually most of the times, I'm too lazy to keep up with the latest fashion. Not much of a fashion enthusiast, you see. I wore my hair in a high ponytail.

My hair, something I am extremely proud of. They are dark brown, long and smooth and I have to put in a lot of effort to keep them this way. Another feature I love about myself are my eyes, bluish-green, something very rare among the Indian people.

By 6:57, I was standing at the bus stop , waiting for the bus to arrive. School. I was never a great fan of school. I went there just to study and to spend some time with my friends. I needed to study properly so that I could get a decent percentage and so that I'd be able to pursue the course which I liked, astronomy. I look up towards the sky, the moon still visible. How fascinating!

The moon, the stars, the galaxy, the planets, all of it fascinates me. I have always wanted to find out what the universe held for us, the humans. We, humans were just a teeny, insignificant part of the massive universe. There had to be other life forms out there in the universe, aliens as you may say. But so far the scientists on Earth haven't been successful in finding any justifiable evidence to prove the presence of extraterrestrial life or maybe they had but they never shared it with the public.Who knows?

There have been some theories, of course and some instances when people have claimed to have seen an 'Alien' but in this world where people demand scientific evidence ,these theories and stories soon withered, leaving a mystery behind them. Are there really any extraterrestrial beings in the universe? What do they look like? If they really exist, how could they have not been discovered till now?

Maybe we haven't found them till now as our reach is limited and the Universe is vast, larger than anyone can ever imagine. I have made a resolution to find answers to these questions and to many other questions that lingered on in my mind, and thus my inclination towards astronomy. I didn't want to be an astronaut to be honest, but I wouldn't  miss a chance to be a part of a space exploration project, if there are any in the future.

I am taken out of my reverie as a pale yellow coloured bus stops in front of me. A boring day , again. When will I get to live a life full of adventures, the kind of life I have always wished for? Not this boring one, go to school, study, return, study, sleep and repeat. I sigh as I board the bus. A warm smile welcomes me. Anya, my best friend, one of the reasons that compel me to come to school regularly. I make my way through the secluded walking space and sit beside her, on the seat she has saved for me.

"So, any plans for today?" she winks as she asks this and I didn't really understand why.

"A lot. First I'll sleep, then I'll study and then I've got a movie waiting for me. Wanna join me?"

"Nah, I'm good." she beams as she says this. What is wrong with this girl today! Her next words make that clear,crystal. "I've got a party to attend, you know. It's Rishab's birthday, remember?" I nod and then she continues, "I just can't believe that he invited me. I think he likes me too. What do you think?"I should have seen this coming. I smile at her, hoping she would find an answer herself and she does. I have very little interest in things like these and she knew it perfectly, still sometimes she just has to share these things with me and I can't deny her.She's always there for me and I've got to be there for her too, however silly the issue may be. Teenage issues. I wonder if I will ever have these kind of issues,the chances are meager. She continues her chatter. I only had to nod sometimes in between just to confirm my presence.

The day has just begun and I am waiting for it to unfold its events as the day passes by. I wish it to be  somewhat adventurous, but there is little hope. What possible adventure could a boring school day await?


Hey everyone! So what do you think about this story? Does this interest you? And do you like the protagonist, Nia? Let me know about it in the comments below.

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Adieu, until next time



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