Aqua,Part 10

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(Thank you so much @Salintha  for  such an amazing pre-birthday gift :D)

Everyone, meet Nia(above).  I hope now you'll be able to visualize her much better.


"...And I wish you joy and happiness but  above all this I wish you love..." 

Everything and anything that I had imagined to face inside this room was nowhere near this. As we enter the room, a soft voice reaches our ears. A Whitney Houston song, inside a spaceship! That's just.... not right? How can someone sing a song this soothing on an occasion so suspenseful ?

"And I... will always love you ...I will always love you" It is a female voice because the pitch is quite high. All four of us give each other a puzzled look. Space!

After a few moments,we move towards the source of the sound. The room to which I hadn't paid attention till now is huge with a high ceiling. As we slowly move forward, I look around. Oh that?....Are those....computers? A much, much, much advanced version of the computers we use , if I was right. There are two huge frames on each of the side walls, almost four times the size of a 56 inch LED TV. On the right hand side computers, a screen is popped up in the empty space, a hologram screen . Just next to the framework is placed a small console, with a total of ten buttons on it.

In front of each of the framework is a large floating bowl, four feet above ground, all empty. How is everything floating here? Doesn't this place have gravity? How the hell are we standing on the floor then?

"I will always love you ....I will always love you"

When we reach the end of the room, we find a door that's open. The voice is coming from inside that door. After a few moments, Arden steps in and we follow.

This room is lit dimly as compared to the others. It is like an office. A woman....yes, a woman. A human woman, wearing a black and white jumpsuit,her aqua hair dangling and her back facing us. Am I seeing all this for real? I rub my eyes. Still the same woman, in the same dress and with the same hairstyle. Okay....I think we are in the wrong room.

The woman seems to be painting  and singing simultaneously. 

"Excuse me?", Looks like Tyler is too eager to talk.

Suddenly her singing stops and she turns around,"How Lovely ! I have some company. Forgive me, I didn't hear you all come in.", She speaks in a forced British accent, showing her pearly white teeth. 

The woman in front of me is beautiful and she seems to be in her early twenties. She has round face with a defined, slightly pointed chin. She has dark brown eyes, deep and calculating . Her lips are painted a light , almost nude, pink. Her aqua coloured hair are let loose and reach a little below her shoulders. Although she's smiling at us, the smile doesn't reach her eyes. It is a luring smile.

She regards each one of my companions for not more than two seconds and then her gaze finally rests on me. Her eyes widen a fraction and she smiles a little more, only this time her smile isn't fake. She comes to stand in front me and lifts up her hand and brings it closer to my face. As soon as her hand touches my face, I intuitively take a step back.

"Aren't you beautiful, my dear Eve?", she keeps her hand on my shoulder, her smile not wavering a bit. 

"I'm not Eve.", I interject.

"Look at those beautiful eyes you have and the silky smooth hair, and I'm told you are a genius too.", she claps her hands, completely ignoring what I said earlier,"You are really unique,Eve!"

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