Home, Part 7

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(Dedicated to @zaveesha for being a regular reader. Thank you .)

The next hour went by fast. They filled me on their plans and how they would be executing it but it was just a brief explanation. It was just the same plan they had been taught to follow while they were training at the organisation.I am not sure if this plan would even suit the condition we are in, but they are the experts. Better to have a plan than to simply yield to death without even trying. That would be a disgrace.

 I wasn't a big part of the plan but I wasn't dejected. Originally, I wasn't even in the plan. Maybe it's better if I take minimal participation. At least they would be able to execute the plan properly without me interfering. But things were not crystal clear for me.Not now at least. There were things I couldn't understand about the organization. How could have they known about these aliens and the abductions when the aliens were so careful as to not leave a trace behind them? Even with all the information in the world,how could they know about all this as if they had been here themselves?

"Where are you from, Nia ? I never asked."Tyler's voice forced my thoughts to the back of my mind.  Now, we are all sitting on our beds. Mr. Fassy had come to inform us that the master was busy now and we would meet the master tomorrow. Darn it! I do not even know when tomorrow is. With the dark space outside, I couldn't even guess what time it was back home. Home. I never thought I would be so far away from home, past the solar system. Instinctively my head jerks towards the only window in the room. It's still dark out there, only then and now illuminated by tiny specks of light,far away stars, like some glitter has been sprinkled in a dark room. It is absolutely stunning and it is what I have always wanted but I am not completely happy, maybe because I'm not here on my free will.

"Nia ? What are you looking at so intently?" I shift my gaze to Tyler who, I don't know when, has come and settled next to me.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm sorry I got distracted , you asked something?"I try to divert the topic. I don't want any of them to know how helpless I am feeling right now.

"You suck at lying, you know that?"Tyler gives me a disapproving look . I give one too for his choice of words. I think he understands that I dislike 'bad' words,"Never mind. Missing home?"

"A bit."

"A bit?" He raises his eyebrows sceptically .

"Okay. Yes, I'm missing home.I cannot stop thinking about it. Fine now?" ,I give in.

"Well, I don't have a home to miss but you'll be fine. We'll be here with you." It is then I realize that all of them do not even have a family to miss. They are all orphans. I look at them. Irene, who was lying on her bed, playing with her hair, had stopped to listen to our conversation. I think it struck a nerve. Arden wasn't looking at us but staring at the wall in front of him, but he was listening. As for Tyler, he  gives me a small smile which I return quickly. 

"By the way", Tyler continues,"I asked where are you from? I mean which country?"

"India.",I say instantly. Speaking of one's country, brings a sense of happiness within oneself.

"Oh, you're an Indian."Tyler speaks with admiration glistening in his eyes," It's a beautiful country. My parents went there . I have a photograph of them standing in front of the Taj Mahal . Their only picture. They call it a symbol of eternal love, don't they?",he questions me.

"Yes, they do. I'm sure your parents' love was such", I don't know what to say any further. I don't want to upset him even more  so I try to keep our conversations light,"Where are you from Tyler?", 

This question etches a frown on his face," Castril . That's in Spain,if you're wondering. That was definitely not my birthplace but I ended up there and I was stuck up in that hellhole for an orphanage. The children there were definitely devil incarnations. I spent a good part of my life there, until the organisation found me. Oh! How thankful I am that they did."

"So you're spanish ?"

"I do speak spanish,yes but thank you very much I'm not a Spaniard. I wish I knew about my parents' decent. " and yet again the topic shifts to this and I again try to divert it.

"Irene, where are you from?"Irene instantly jerks and sits up straight, facing me.

"Well, I'm from Béthune. It's in ..."

"France",I complete her sentence.

She nods,"Yes. Not many people know about it."

Oh, don't worry, I'm the unique one."I might have a slight interest in travelling, especially European countries. You still live there?"

"No. I used to before my parents' accident but after that I came to live with a foster family in Brussels. I ran away from there", she pauses for a while before continuing,"and I ended up in the organization." She skipped a lot of details but I'm not the one to pry .Maybe she'll tell about it when she is comfortable. I shift my gaze to Arden, who is still staring at the wall.

"And you Arden?"

"Huh?"he looks in my direction, acting confused. I know he was listening.

"Where are you from?"

"Um,London. But after my mum's death, I went to live with my grandma. She too died four years later."

And that is all the conversation we had until the next half an hour. All went deadly quiet. Tyler went back to his own bed, Irene back to playing with her hair and Arden back to staring at the wall,but with an increased intensity.Poor,poor wall!

"I think we should rest now. Tomorrow is a big day.", Arden glanced one last time at the three of us and with a sigh , laid down on his own bed.

Tomorrow is a big day Indeed. I closed my eyes and almost instantly drifted to a dreamless sleep.


Hello! How are you all? 

I know, I'm late and I'm really sorry about it. Some things(like a cursed eye checkup) came up. My exams have ended now and I was successful(Yayyy!)

Enough about me now. So I know this was kind of a filler but it was important too. I hope you liked it and if you did, please do comment and vote. I would be a happy girl if you would :) and I'm not promising, but I might update again in this week, to cover up last monday.

And please stay tuned. Some important events are coming up and I don't want you to miss them.Also, if you have any advice or any criticism about my writing please feel free to comment.It will definitely help me.

Adieu until next update. Take care :)



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