Invisible , Part 11

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"Why was there a red light blinking on my hand Arden?" I ask him trying to get someone to speak something. 

"Yeah, right " , he looks at me,"that is a device..."

"What? No! What have these aliens done to my hand?" I gently stroke the area where the light was blinking earlier. What could they have put inside my hand? A tracking device? But there is no sign of an incision. How did they put it inside?

"No, no.", Tyler speaks and I look up to him, "I put it there. I forgot to tell you about..."

"Have you lost it? What have you done to my hand?"I glare at him and then look down at my hand, woefully.

"Will you calm down ? I've done nothing, okay? At least listen to me"I give him a 'whatever' look and he continues," That is a device from our organisation. It is removable. Give me your hand. " I give him a suspicious look,"Come on, Nia you can trust me with this." Can I really? I debate inside my mind whether I should or should  not. If the thing is already inside my hand, there's no good in keeping it to myself now, maybe he could fix it. I reluctantly put my hand in Tyler's.

He takes hold of my wrist and gently taps twice , just a little above my palm. Out of nowhere a metal bracelet becomes visible. But that was my skin.... wasn't it?

"See. Here." Tyler speaks excitedly while he removes it from my wrist and places it on my palm . I just stare at the device. Is it really human technology? I doubt that. How come I never came to know about this advanced device. The organisation, it hid it from the common people, just like the spaceships.

"Isn't it a beauty? Latest model, most advanced in its line. It is capable of transmitting data to a place 40 light years away. Totally wireless. Can record and save video and audio. It has a very features  that it seamlessly blends with any skin colour. The chameleon effect. No one can tell the two apart once it's on a wrist. Also, it has sedated needles that come out from here." He points to the small hole in between two small buttons. I nod in amazement. "when you press this button here ."he says pointing to the tiny button on the left of the hole. I take finger close to the button. "No.No. You don't want to sedate me, right?" Tyler asks skeptically , well , trying to appear skeptical. 

I smile and shake my head,"What's the use of  this button then?" I ask, pointing to the other button.

"That is the best thing you'll ever see. Wait, I'll just demonstrate it . Oh, I've been waiting to use it...",saying this Tyler lifts his left hand and taps on his wrist, probably where his techie-bracelet is, while I take a step back , intuitively.

"No, Tyler. Not now.", I hear Irene scream while walking towards us. But she is too late. Tyler disappears from in front of me . poof, gone, leaving a void where he was standing. I twist my body to search him in the room but he was nowhere to be found. He just became invisible...

"What did we agree about using the invisibility mode?"Irene is furiously searching the room to find any trace of Tyler, while standing on the exact same place where Tyler was stood earlier. I, on the other hand am just trying to figure out what just happened.

Tyler's invisible. He's a human being and he's invisible with the help of that human technology. No chance of it being  human technology! This organization is much more than I know of.

"That we would use it only when it is required.", Tyler's voice comes from behind Irene and she jumps a bit .She flings her arms vaguely in the direction of the voice, all in vain. He's irritating Irene and I am loving it!

"Okay Tyler, enough of it. I don't want someone seeing this." Arden, who was quietly watching everything until now speaks calmly, with a slight warning tone.

"Okay. Fine." As I turn towards the source of the voice, Tyler reappears propped next to a wall, a smirk on his face. As soon as he sees me, I grin at him and he grins in return. Someone shares my amusement .

"That was awesome. Can I do that too?" I expectantly ask Arden.

"Yes, you can. But not now, not in front of those aliens and you must be careful . Use it only when there is no other option left."Arden speaks , coolly. How he remains emotionless most of the times is a mystery for me.

"Okay." I say sadly and go to sit down at my bed where Tyler is already sitting.

"So,"I whisper, directing my question towards Tyler,"doesn't this thing have some weapons. Like a gun or a knife for instance."

"I wish. But this isn't made for combat Nia." Tyler answers, disappointment  clearly evident in his voice. I was almost hoping that it would be hiding some lethal weapon.Next time, Nia, next time.

"Why was the red light blinking ? Was it some incoming message?"

"No. They would never risk an alien catching glance of it . You might have rubbed your hands and activated it. That's why it was blinking. "

"And what if the aliens would have seen your little disappearing act. What if there are cameras in the room." I look around dubiously ,scanning the nooks and corners of the room for any hidden cameras. When my gaze falls on Tyler, I see him smiling.

"There's the irony, you see. These aliens think so low of us that they we are incapable to do something which shouldn't be done, for instance escape. They deem us to be inferiors. Here's where they're wrong and the'll regret it. they didn't even care to put a camera in this room and look how much they are missing out.", there is a triumphant smile on his face as he finishes. I smile too ,in return.

Almost around 4 hours later, we are standing in front of a door with Mr. Fassy on our side. Soon, Elitsa comes from behind, her heels slapping against the floors. She is in her human skin again.

"I'm really sorry Eve, we couldn't have our little private conversation. Some important matters needed to be addressed. We'll have that conversation some other time?"More like no other time. "Well, kids brace yourselves."She flashes, yet another of her fake smiles.

The door in front of us starts to open with a slight hiss.

"Welcome to Oclore , my home"


Hello everyone!

Firstly, I would like to sincerely thank each one of my readers...We've crossed 200 reads..Yaayyy!!

It's all because of your support :D

Now, what do you think of this chapter? I enjoyed writing it :)

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Take care ❤

Adieu until next time


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