Library,Part 14

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I never thought that I would want to throw up after sitting in a flying car, nevertheless I did feel like it now. The short journey that only lasted for about ten minutes, was spent in a very amicable silence. Although I did try to extract an answer for my earlier question, but when I got no reply in return, I thought it better to not degrade my self-respect any more. I might or might not have shouted on Arden at some point, and he didn't even flinch. Thus, I was gifted with something very special, silence.

Result of this precious silence? My head is spinning till now because I had nothing else to do other than stare out of the window and this activity of mine kind of caused motion sickness. Moreover, I feel like I would throw up anytime. Did I ever mention that I haven't travelled in an aeroplane before? I think I didn't feel like this back at the spaceship because it was relatively much bigger than the car.

As soon as the flying car stops, Arden opens the door on his side and gets down. I do the same after a few seconds. And as soon as we are out and at a little distance from the car, it takes off, moving to the tallest building in the entire area. That must be the office of this car service, might even come handy later, who knows?

"Let's go.", I hear Arden say and my shift my gaze towards him only to see that he has already started walking towards what I reckon to be a market area. I jog a little to catch up with him.

So that's how an alien colony's market place is. Almost...human-y? It's strange how similar this is to any common market place on Earth. The shops, the stalls, the vendors, the buyers, everything is similar to a normal market place, except that the skin of the people here is mostly blue (or aqua) . Besides the Oclarians, I can see that there are a large number of different kinds of aliens all merrily buying something or the other. If one were to have a look at this place from exactly top of it, maybe fifty feet high, he would only see some dots moving randomly, in any direction and without a fixed pattern.

This place is so crowded. I almost collided with a lady(or alien) , wearing a casual shirt and trousers . She hurriedly said,"Sorry, child." in yet another alien language and moved away. The first couple of shops we passed were quite boring, one being a showroom for clothes and the other one was selling something which looked like mud to me and smelled extremely terrible but to my surprise, people were swarming in on the shop, especially females. Apparently (as I heard an Oclorian lady speaking) it was some new beauty product. Aren't ladies the same everywhere? With a few exceptions of course,like me.

The third shop however, I reckon is a book shop named - 'Where the magic begins'(I can read Oclorian too , I guess then). And seeing books in a technologically advanced place as this, is kind of a big deal. And who knows if we'll find something useful there? Books are the ultimate source of knowledge of course .

"Hey, Arden let's go inside this book shop.", I say, tugging lightly at his arm to bring his attention from the horde back at the second shop to me. He reads the title of the shop and scrunches his nose in response.

"Can't we go somewhere else?", He almost pleads,"Like that one.", pointing towards the second shop.

"Eww no. That smells horrible. Why can't you go in this book shop?"

"Books are boring. They're just meaningless."

"They are definitely not.", I snap,"and you are coming with me like it or not." I take hold him by his wrist and drag him to the shop while ranting all the way,"First you don't answer me even after asking the same question a thousand times which might even be fatal for us."

"It isn't, believe me."

"No , I don't. It can be.Now, we're going to enter the shop like normal tourists who have come to see the beauty of Oclore and you", I stop just before the door as it's sensors sense us and the door opens behind me and point a finger towards Arden,"- you are going to help me find something useful out of these books." Arden nods and I hear him utter a barely audible 'Alright'.

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