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Sophie's POV

Why would Aspen post this? How did she know we were talking about her? Well to be honest it were a bit obvious. What am I doing I need to go see Daniel before it's too late.

I run out my room and dash down the corridor to Daniel's room. I knock, panicking if I'm too late or not.
The door opens....

I see Daniel's face, he didn't seem happy.

"Daniel it's not what it seems, I'm so sorry" I cried.

"Soph I trusted you, told you things that was personal and you tell people, how could you be so" He cried putting his head down.

"Daniel I'm sorry" I cried again.

"You know I thought you was different but I guess not" Daniel said closing the door before I could speak anymore.
I slid down the door and started crying.

Jonah's POV

I see Aspen's post on Instagram and I rush to see Sophie, I couldn't believe what happened. Her door were already wide open so I walk in, there she was packing a suitcase. Quickly I hold her and asked "what do you think you're doing". She looked at me and her eyes were all puffy like she's been crying. "I'm leaving to go back to LA, I can't stay on this tour, Daniel doesn't even want to talk to me anymore" She cried.

"But you can't leave" Jonah shouted.

"Jonah I have too" I said giving Jonah the biggest hug. "And look after everyone for me" I said. I walked out my room with my suitcase but I had one more stop before I headed to the airport. Caoimhe.

I stood outside her door with my suitcase in one hand, she opened it and looked surprised. 

"I couldn't leave without saying goodbye" I cried.

Caoimhe held me tightly and wouldn't let go. "Hey I'll come with you, I can't stand you leaving by yourself" She said still holding on tightly to me.
"No you need to stay here, Jack needs you more, I'll be fine" I said.

"Promise" She cried.

"Promise" I cried.

Home here I come.

Hey really late upload sorry ☺️

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