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Sophie's POV

When I got home I tried everything to try and dodge social media. All I could see where posts of Aspen and Daniel and it was driving me insane.

New Message From Jonah 😜

Jonah: soph ☺️

Sophie: yeah Jonah 😂

Jonah: just checking how you are ☺️

Sophie: first person to ask actually 😂

Jonah: damn that's bad 😐

Sophie: hey Jonah please don't repeat what happened in the car 😓

Jonah: hey I won't, guessing you don't like Aspen 😂

Sophie: no comment 😂 she hasn't done owt wrong 😂

Jonah: but deep down you hate her guts really 😂

Sophie: no 😂😂

Jonah: you don't have to lie I don't like her either 😂😂

Sophie: wait what 😂😂

Jonah: I don't like her 😂😂

Sophie: why 😂😂

Jonah: I feel like she's using Daniel for more fame 🤷‍♂️

Sophie: omg 😲 I hope not 😓

Jonah: I hope not too 🙄

Sophie: well I might aswell move on because he's obviously happy 😂

Jonah: no Soph he'll be more happier with you 😋

Sophie: well who knows huh 😂

Jonah: hey come round, everyone is back here you need to be here 😐

Sophie: No one wants me there

Jonah: I do. Caoimhe does 😊

Sophie: why do you 😌

Jonah: because your my best friend 😁

Sophie: really 😲 Awh Jonah 😘 fine I'll come just because you said that 😂

Jonah: yayy 😂

One hour later.....

We was all sat in a circle playing truth or dare.

"Daniel truth or dare?" Jonah said.

"Dare obviously" Daniel muttered.

"I dare you to kiss Sophie" Jonah said.

What? Me? What was going on?

"Are you serious?" Aspen gasped.

"I'm pretty serious" Jonah laughed.

"It's only a dare" Caoimhe muttered.

"Kiss her just like you did under the mistletoe" Zach laughed.

Everyone else started laughing.

Then Daniel grabbed me and pressed his lips against mine and pulled away.

"Jonah can I just talk to you for a second?" I said.

I took Jonah into the other room to talk.

"What do you think your doing" I muttered.

"It's only a game Soph calm down" Jonah laughed.

Aspen's POV

Something was going on and I didn't lie it one bit. Jonah and Sophie went into the next room and I needed to hear this conversation.

"I'm just going to the bathroom" I said.

I sneak down the corridor and hear them speaking. I place myself beside the door.

"It's only a game Soph calm down" Jonah laughed.

"Just because I like Daniel doesn't mean you dare him to kiss me" Sophie muttered.

Sophie? Likes Daniel? No way this was not happening.
I turned away and went back into the room.

Hope you liked the chapter ❤️

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