Mission Failed

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A/N: Sadly, updates are painfully slow. I hope you guys would be patient, :( Really sorry, like really. Chapter is short. :T Vote, comment, fan. 


Third Person's POV 

Naruto stared at Sasuke warily. They just kept hurting each other, like some rivals would do. Hard to believe that they were friends once.

"Sasuke, don't you eve realize that Sakura-chan would get sad? Everyone will! So please, just come with me. That way, all of us can.. be happy like we used to be... right?" The blonde was to state meekly.

"All of you are nothing more but idiots. I wanna leave Konoha with my own will, so let me. Don't get your crappy ass here, trying to stop me." Sasuke answered coldly. 

"SASUKE!" Naruto yelled. "Do you even love Sakura-chan?! How could you do this?!" 

No answer. It's either a yes, or a no. 

Naruto just charged at Sasuke with force. They were punching, kicking and beating up each other. And when they just jumped off, long logs were stood on the water, making them balance up. 

"I'll re-make those broken bonds, Sasuke. I will." 

Sasuke just looked so confused. "YOU DUMBASS, WHY DO YOU TRY TO SAVE ME THIS BAD?! I HAVE CLOSED MY EYES FAR MORE THAN ENOUGH! My goal lies in the darkness." he scoffed. "If you try to get in the matter again, I won't hesitate to kill you. Moreover, I can finally activate my Sharingan in a powerful way just like how Itachi does. You need to have hatred to activate this." 

Naruto's eyes widened. 

"The Uchiha clan are composed with Elite ninjas, am I right? Well I have also heard that Uchihas have deep idiotic problems! You guys grow hatred so much, like what the hell?! Like you, Sasuke. You saw your clan dashed off and can't even let a smile out after all those years. Was Konoha's effort not enough for you to be happy? Was all the effort... useless?!" 

"Enough," Sasuke said firmly. "Time to end this." the Uchiha's curse mark activated, and so his whole appearance changed. He even got those creepy wings, which made Naruto freaked out. 

But Sasuke isn't the only one full of surprises. 

Anger, sorrow, agony, pain, everything else- Naruto's nine tailed fox's chakra bursted out in his body. His teeth grew longer, so is his nails. Red chakra cloak formed around him, and the flow of his ordinary chakra had gone berserk, or should we say, uncontrolled. 

Sasuke was forming his Chidori, and Naruto was forming his Rasengan. 



The blow had too much force, there by making them flew back. Naruto managed to scratch Sasuke's forehead protector, which was took off by sudden hit. 

Naruto blacked out, but Sasuke... he was still standing. Looking at his old teammate, he leaves in desperate matter. Leaving Naruto, his best friend, and also his forehead protector, which symbolizes his loyalty to his village. 


Back at Konoha, some interesting things happened afterwards. Kakashi had summoned some of his dogs and went after them, well that was an hour ago. 

"Tsunade-sama, how is Neji doing?" Sakura asked. 

"Still in a crucial condition, I apologize, but you also have to wait for the results, Hinata." 

"H-hai." the Hyuga heiress nodded. 


"Well... where are we heading off again?" Pakkun asked Kakashi.

"We have to look for Naruto and Sasuke. Tell me when you get their scent, clear?" Kakashi ordered. Pakkun nodded. 

Kakashi just wondered and cursed himself. Even now, that his students were fighting, he's still damn late?! Oh dear God. 

Some moments passed, still in search. 

"I THINK I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE! FOLLOW ME!" Pakkun suddenly exclaimed in which got Kakashi's attention. 

Going to where the dog lend, the silver haired jonin saw Naruto wounded and laying down. It was raining. Kakashi still cursed himself. 

"I'm sorry, Naruto. I was late again." Kakashi carried Naruto and somewhat took Sasuke's forehead protector. 


Naruto was already at the hospital. Neji was taking some supervisions, Choji was still in the same state, Kiba was getting healed, and Shikamaru was outside. Just outside. The only thing damaged in him was his finger. Walking away, he sees his father. 

"Shikamaru, how's the mission?" 

At it ended up, Shikamaru was crying

"Mission failed." 

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