We want you safe!

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A/N: I decided to entertain you guys with SasuSaku for now. But if you hate it, please don't ignore my story. xD This will just be for the chapter. :D 


Sasuke's POV 

"That's it! We're going." I snapped infront of Sayuri.

"..You all better find a way to save us by yourselves or else your Cherry Blossom princess dies." Sayuri said then slammed shut the door.

Sakura turned more afraid. She was shivering in fear..

'Wh-What the hell..?! W-Why would I.. be a SACRIFICE, damn it!" She thought. 

"Oi, teme, I'll go out to look if Sound Ninjas are attacking again. You both stay here.." Naruto said then went out.

Sakura couldn't speak at all due to the threat she faced. 

"Sakura, you'll ..be fine." I tried to comfort her.

"S-Sa-Sasuke-kun.. I'm... I..I am.. a-afraid.." Sakura's eyes were filled with fear. 

I put my hand to her shoulder. "You'll be okay, Sakura." 


We went out like Naruto. 

"Naruto! What's happening now?" I asked.

"Hm, nothing much. They're just re-building some destroyed places." Naruto answered.

"Naruto.." Sakura muttered.

"...Huh? What is it, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked happily.

"..be careful." Sakura gave Naruto a warm smile.

I clearly saw Naruto happy. His everyday-sad-eyes turned majestic and bright. Just by Sakura's smile, that is. 

Sakura's POV 

The village was still in good condition..

But so sudden, a place blew up, once again.

"What was that?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"They're here!" Sasuke said.

I took a kunai out of my bag, I was afraid, yet I know I should help. I must.

"Sakura-chan, it's best if you just stay out of this one. I want you safe!" Naruto yelled.

"But Naruto! I can't just-" I jut cut off.

Naruto looked at me with a serious tone, "You must be safe. Even if I'm dead, you always need to remain safe." He said that then smiled.

I huffed. N-no..

I turned my eyes to Sasuke-kun..

"S-Sasuke-kun.." I murmured. 

He gave me a grin. 


"Naruto wants you safe Sakura. So do I." he said.

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