12~ Adrenaline Rush

Start from the beginning

I would know, I packed her bag three times. Only stopping when the twins forcefully removed the bag from my hands. Even then I still mentally ran a checklist.

I'm aware I have a problem.

I'm stretching on the sideline, trying not to pay attention to the massive crowd forming. Purposely avoiding Steinborns side to ensure I don't see anyone I could know. 

Out of no where a football flies over and hits my foot, surprisingly not hard enough to hurt. Seconds later Ashton jogs over, an unapologetic smirk on his face. "My bad."

He hit me on purpose.

I roll my eyes, handing him back the ball. Our fingers touch, momentarily breaking my train of thought. After recovering I start to turn away but he tugs my arm, pulling me close to him.

"What, no good luck kiss?"

I smirk, after a moments consideration I reach up, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands rest on my hips, slightly lifting me up. My lips millimeters from his, close enough to kiss.


"How about you go kick some ass and then you'll get your kiss." I taunt him, ignoring the gleam in his eyes and the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Ashton sets me down, a smirk on his face. "You know, Sweetheart, you just gave me the perfect motivation."

He runs back off to the field before I can say anything else. I watch him go, getting caught in the act as he looks back. Offering me a wink before he shoves his helmet back on.

What in the hell did I just agree to?

Ella and Stella stand by the fence, a front row view of our entire exchange. They begin to fan themselves, joyous grins on their faces. "Boy, did it just get hot." Stella remarks, daring me to challenge her.

I push past both of them to get some water, ignoring the burning of my cheeks.

I really hate them sometimes.

The squad lines up against the fence, Madison making us paint the numbers of the player we escorted on our check. Stella and I wearing Sage's as well, part of me happy I could represent the two players I care about.

After the numbers are on Saffron begins to walk down the row, doing her traditional run through to see what we need to fix. It's adorable to watch her eye us skeptically in her mini cheer uniform and pigtails. But truthfully she's a ruthless monster when it comes to our looks.

She eyes Anna, the girl who started the conversation about me in the locker room that day, "Your ponytail is too low."

She moves on, "Yours is to high." The girl, Shelly, gasps. I've never heard of a cheerleaders ponytail being to high but what Saffron says goes, Madison's orders.

She moves through the line, commenting on each girls appearance. She stops in front of Avery, an evil glint in her green eyes. This is the one time Saffron can be mean and Avery isn't allowed to do anything in retaliation, my sister may be young but she's as clever as a fox.

She doesn't even bother to give her a look over before making pointers, "Your hair is frizzy. Your skirt is to high, no one wants to see that. Your face has too much makeup and the paint on your cheek is smeared."

Saffron smiles at her sweetly before moving on, not even bothering to give our cousin a second glance. Avery growls in frustration but a warning look from Madison has her pulling her skirt down. A smile begins to play on my lips.

Saffron tells Ella to tighten her pony tail and for Stella to remove her spiky black earrings before turning to me.

She eyes me long and hard, walking a round my body to get a full view. I even begin to feel self conscious under her inspection. "Your skirt needs to be pulled up."

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