Chapter 6:

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Camila's POV:

I rubbed groggily at my eyes and glanced over at Lauren's bed to find it unoccupied, but the dark-haired woman was sitting on the edge of it and putting on her shoes.

"Woah," I spoke hoarsely. "Don't leave without me."

"I was just about to wake you. I want to go and ransack a few houses because these clothes stink." Lauren stood up and scrunched her nose.

Rolling out of bed, I threw on my outfit and followed the older woman out into the street. I was still rubbing at my eyes when I felt Lauren's hand push me back like she was hiding us from something. "What's going on?" I whispered, trying to get a look past the wall she'd shoved us behind.

"There's somebody by our car." Lauren whispered in return, her head bowed up. She placed her bag on the ground and rooted out my lame pistol revolver before I shot her a look of disgust. "It's your stupid gun!"

"And it wouldn't scare a fly. Use that one." I said, nodding towards the 450 bushmaster she had the first time I met her. Lauren nodded in agreement, grabbing hold of the weapon and attempting to turn the corner; but I pulled her back by the shoulder. "Be careful."

"Step away." I heard her husky lowly once she was out of my sight. I poked my head around the corner ever so slightly so I could see the encounter and jump in if it was needed. The man I could see must've been in his late 30s and wore a baseball cap and a North Face sweatshirt.

"Steady, girl." He gave back, holding his hands in the air as he moved aside. "You out here alone?"

"What's it to you?" Lauren was quick to answer. She still had the rifle aimed at him and made sure her voice was lower than usual. I watched her watch his every move.

"I'm just asking." The man laughed nervously as he walked backwards. "Why don't you put that down? I'm no threat."

"Why don't you run along?"

Releasing a loud sigh, the male halted his moves. "My friend and I just need a ride."

Lauren went to speak again before her mouth was covered by another man, grabbing her from behind. The older woman released a quiet squeak as she dropped her rifle and the man with the cap raced to knock it out of her reach.

"Shit!" I hissed to myself, turning around and grabbing my petty pistol revolver. Taking a deep breath, I moved out from behind the wall."Let her go." I spat, aiming my gun at the man who had Lauren in his grip. I saw Lauren's eyes widen, probably pissed off at me for getting involved.

"You're not travelling alone then?" The baseball cap man laughed, taking a step closer to me and I held the pistol out further in response. Trying to decide where I should be aiming the gun was hard though, considering there were two threats.

"Both of you get against the wall." I tried and was shocked when they obliged. I could see the handle of a gun sticking out from the captor's jeans and wondered why he hadn't reached for it yet. "What do you want with her?"

I could see now that they were stood in the light that the captor was blond and the man who wore the cap had dark brown eyes that almost looked black. "Just a little fun." The blonde smirked and put his head against Lauren's who gave me a desperate look.

It took everything in me not to just shoot them there and then. "Move along." I made sure I was positioned in front of Lauren's rifle so that if they did leave, they wouldn't try and be smart about it by taking her weapon.

"But with you it's double the fun." The brown-eyed man added, sharing a chuckle with his companion.

"Do you think I won't fucking using this?" I yelled, tightening my grip on the weapon. "I said move along."

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