Just a Breath Away

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New York: JFK Airport (Summer before Columbia)

Liam could only chuckle at Harry’s Hope, as the boys tended to call her. The poor girl was once again swept away by Hurricane Harry and dragged along so that Harry could spend as much time with her as possible.  They all agreed that Harry would definitely be the most romantic when it came to, but even Harry was putting him to shame and he was the one that’d been in a relationship the longest with Danielle.  Harry wasn’t even in a relationship with Hope!

Liam took a small sip of the champagne with his mates as they all did cheers for finally heading home.  Poor Harry looked torn between being happy to go home and sad that he’d just found Hope again, but was going to have to leave.  Liam shook his head at Harry feeling quite bad for him, it was hard to leave when you feel like as if you were leaving your other half behind. 

He tried to hide a snigger as Harry began to follow Hope, not letting her out of his sight all the way to the bar in order for Hope to get something else to drink.  Harry was absolutely hopeless figuratively and literally as long as Hope stayed with whomever her boyfriend was. 

He looked out from the lounge windows down below to simply people watch and enjoy the last moments that they would be in the U.S. His gaze lingered on a girl with dark brown almost black hair.  His gaze was drawn over to an old couple walking hand and hand but then that same dark haired girl passed the couple.  She ran a hand through her long dark locks, a bracelet glinted in the sun.  It was a familiar looking bronze cuff bracelet, one that he’d only seen once… And there couldn’t have been that many, the woman made them herself, handmade she’d repeated proudly when he bought it, there simply couldn’t… It had to be her!

“Jolie,” Liam said standing up abruptly. 

His band mates barely had any time to react before Liam ran out of the lounge. 

“Did he say Jolie?” Niall asked. 

“Well today’s full of chasing after girls isn’t it?  It must be upside down day.” Louis remarked.


Liam ran all the way down the steps and began to run in the direction that Jolie had headed.  He kept running despite not seeing her anywhere, but feeling like as if she was so close.  When he got to a section with three different routes to turn to, Liam stopped whipping his head to each route to see if he could see her. 

“Just pick Liam,” He silently told himself before going straight ahead. 

He was running faster than he had in a long time, in fact he could recall the last time he ran this fast, it was also in an airport to catch…her.  Oh how history seemed to repeat itself.  But this time he was determined to catch Jolie Whitefield.

As he approached the end, he noticed that he was headed towards the Air tram.  Liam stopped once again looking furiously around him.  The Air tram arrived and a rush of people went past him to enter it, not even passing him a glance.  Liam weaved his way through the crowd.  He finally made it to the last compartment.  Liam turned violently to look into the compartment. 

It was her, she was looking up at the train map trying to figure out when her stop was, barely twenty feet away.  Liam froze, words wouldn’t form as he looked at her and took her in, from her green eyes to her just plump enough lips that were made to kiss in the rain. Time seemed to freeze at that moment. Hell, she was barely a breath away.

Liam’s motor functions finally kicked in when the doors to the compartment began to close.  “No!” Liam yelled as the train literally took off.  “Shit!”

Serendipitous: Liam's StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ