Gotta Be You, Only You...

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Liam was trying to concentrate on waving and smiling while on their float but he couldn’t help reliving last night.  Jolie… everything about her.  He couldn’t explain why at all, she made him feel the way he felt.  He couldn’t even put into words how he felt!

When it came to Jolie, he wanted nothing more than for the rest of the world to disappear so that it was only the two of them.  He wanted to be the only person she smiled at, laughed with, kissed… but he had Danielle and Jolie had James. He was quite thankful that he had never met James, he wasn’t quite sure what’d he do if he ever met the guy. He had hated that guy from London with a burning passion and the guy had been a fleeting admirer, not Jolie’s boyfriend that could kiss her anytime he wanted or be able to hold her at night, and cuddle with…

 It wasn’t right for him to feel this way.  He knew it yet he couldn’t change a thing. He was irrefutably drawn to Jolie like a moth to a flame.  And what he felt for her felt just as dangerous.

 “We can’t do this Liam,” Jolie said her voice trembling as the two hid in Hope’s bathroom.  “This is so utterly wrong.”

“I know,” Liam said wanting to hug her again but refraining for the moment.  The two stood there silently, Liam leaning against the door while Jolie leaned against the sink.  Five minutes passed of complete silence yet neither of them tried to leave.  Liam had honestly expected Jolie to try to bolt but she didn’t and he was thankful, not knowing what he would do if she did run away again. There was only so much a lad could handle. 

“So how are we supposed to stop this?” Jolie whispered just loud enough for Liam to hear. 

“I don’t know.” Liam said honestly. 

“Why can’t you be some jerk? Then I wouldn’t have even fell-” Jolie stopped, not wanting to say that word again.  If she did, then it would make it all the more real and undeniable, and all she wanted to do was deny it all.  She closed her eyes as she ran a hand through her hair. 

“I’m sorry,” Liam apologized not knowing what else to say.

Jolie laughed almost bitterly. “Why would I ask that, it’s like asking the rain to go back to the cloud. Utterly impossible.” She said softly, barely above a whisper.  She looked up to find that Liam was now standing not even an inch away from her.

Liam looked down at the girl that he seemed to keep running into just as he was starting to forget her, no that was a lie, he couldn’t forget her but it felt like as if just as he was slowly able to let her go, she’d be there, reminding him of all the reasons why he had hogged her all that time in London or why he kissed her in the rain despite the fact that he never should have. 

Jolie reached her hand up to rest it on Liam’s chest.  She closed her eyes as she felt his heartbeat under her palm.  The steady thump thump could easily lure her to sleep. 

Liam placed his own hand over Jolie’s.  Her eyes opened back up and she tried to snatch her hand away but was unable to as Liam had curled his fingers over hers.  “Stop running away from me.” Liam said softly but with a certain edge in his hazel eyes that told her that he was not going to let her go. 

Jolie took a sharp breath at the heat in Liam’s words and eyes.  “I have to stop that don’t I?” Jolie said softly as she looked down at their twined hands.  “But, Liam,” Jolie looked back up at Liam’s face.  “This, whatever this is, has to stop, by whatever means necessary…”

Liam broke out of his reverie at the feel of Zayn elbowing him.                                                                                 

Serendipitous: Liam's StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon