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The screams were deafening as the concert finally ended.

"Thanks for being a great audience!" Louis yelled one last time before all the boys exited the stage.

"Hey Danielle," Zayn said, spotting her right away.

"You guys were great!" She gushed giving Liam a hug.

"Thanks." Liam replied kissing her forehead.

"Let's get some food!" Niall cried as soon as they were stripped of their mikes.

"Wait, speaking of food," Danielle stopped them. "Jolie left two boxes for you guys." She gestured to the table where indeed there were two white boxes both rather large. "I think there's food in them..." She trailed off as Niall and Louis went immediately to tackle the boxes.

"Oh my god!" Louis faked a girl scream.

"There's red velvet cake and chocolates!" Niall said practically drooling.

"Huh?" Harry and Zayn echoed before looking for themselves. They barely got there when both Niall and Louis stuffed a chocolate truffle in their mouths.

"Oh my gooooooooooooood." Niall moaned, practically in heaven.

"Wait why didn't Jolie give us these herself?" Harry asked turning to look at Danielle.

"She wanted to thank you guys for everything and then said something about having to leave, a family emergency." Danielle said disconnecting herself from Liam to look at the baked goods.

"Wait she left?" Niall said a third chocolate truffle halfway to his mouth. "Hey!" He said as Louis stole it away, putting it into his mouth.

None had noticed that Liam had froze where he was, not being able to move at the shocking news.


Liam barely talked when they finally met back with the girls. Danielle had gone back to the boys' apartment, letting the boys spend the evening with the contestants.

"Wait where's Heather?" Harry asked noticing that it wasn't just Jolie missing this time.

"Heather went off to the airport to drop off Jolie's camera that she borrowed tonight." Kira said rather glum.

Liam looked up sharply. "Wait she's leaving tonight?"

"Yeah, actually her flight's in a little bit over an hour." Kira said looking at her cell phone where Jolie had texted her. "She's flying Virgin Atlantic at 11:28."

No one knew what to say when they saw Liam start to run.

Liam practically sprinted when he saw some people get out of their cab to catch it before anyone else.

"Heathrow Airport," Liam said closing the door behind him.

"You're one of the boys from that band!" the cabby exclaimed.

"Yes, is there anyway you can get there as soon as possible?"

"Sure lad, you late for flight? But you don't have luggage." The man asked and answered, pretty much all on his own.

"I have to catch someone before they leave."


"Keep in touch with us, okay?" Heather said trying not to cry as she hugged Jolie goodbye. "I don't care if you're dying you better send me a text or a skype, even a snail mail!"

"I promise," Jolie said, completely out of tears at this point.

"Call me as soon as you land, neither Kira nor I care what time."

Serendipitous: Liam's StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant