Only Three More Nights

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Jolie made it down to the lobby to find Liam talking to the front desk. 

“Liam?” She asked, still sleepy. 

“Hey, sorry, did I wake you?”

“Yeah,” Jolie yawned.  “Sorry, still slightly jetlagged.  What’s going on?”

A slow grin stretched across Liam’s face, his hazel eyes sparkling.   “Just come with me,” Liam said holding out his hand.  Jolie unconsciously took a step forward, her hand reaching out to Liam’s.  “Every person needs to see London at night.” Liam said before leading them to a taxi.  He helped Jolie get in before getting in himself.  “You only have three more nights here, we’re going to make sure that you get the full London experience.” He explained before they left the hotel.  “Plus the lads and I…” Liam trailed off, Jolie turned to look at him waiting for him to finish his sentence but he never did. 


Jolie crawled back into bed around one in the morning, still clad in her jeans and jacket. 

Liam had taken her back to the London Eye, no line this time and a compartment all to themselves.  London was amazing during the day but at night it was just absolutely gorgeous.  The bridges were lit as well as Big Ben. Boats were like lit as they went down the Thames.  It was like watching a parade of lights. 


Jolie was yawning like crazy as she got her breakfast.

“Are you okay?” Kira asked, actually sitting down taking the seat across from her.

“Good morning,” Jolie said smiling at the girl. 

“You look exhausted.”

“I am,” Jolie covered her mouth with her hand as she yawned again. 

“Did you hear about what we’re doing today?” Another girl asked, Kira’s roommate, before joining them.      

Jolie looked at the girl, unsure of what to say to the newest addition. 

“The boys’ concert is in two days so they have to have a whole dress rehearsal today.  They’re having us girls get transported to all the shopping districts today!”

Jolie blinked.  Shopping?


After two grueling hours of practice and clothes changes, the boys had their first break. 

Liam sat down on the edge of the stage when he was offered a water bottle.  “Thanks,” Liam said taking the offered water, but upon seeing the familiar delicate hand, Liam looked up.  “Danielle…”

Liam was greeted by a smile that made his heart beat just a bit faster. 


Jolie was absolutely relieved to have made friends with Kira and Heather, Kira’s roommate as they all went shopping.  The three of them were currently in TOPSHOP looking through clothes.  Heather took a green dress from the  racks and pressed it against Jolie. 

“Oh my gosh, you need to try this on. It matches your eyes!” Heather exclaimed. 

Jolie took the dress and looked at it.  It really was quite pretty and striking. 

“So I’m curious but what’s up with you and Liam?” Heather asked casually as all three began to try on their clothes.  “You have to like a guy like him don’t you? I mean I could totally fall in love with his…everything.”

“It’s hard not to fall in love with a guy like him but there’s nothing special, not what you guys think.” Jolie said zipping up a pair of pink skinny jeans.

Serendipitous: Liam's StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang