History Repeats Itself

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James dropped Jolie off at her and Lena’s dorm room, having already dropped off their friends quickly at Hope's. 

“That was a lot of fun.” James said holding Jolie’s waist. "They're really cool," he added, referring to Corey and Mark.

Jolie softly smiled as she stood up to kiss his lips. 

“You’re absolutely beautiful, how did I manage to get so lucky?” James asked as he kissed her again, a smile not leaving his lips.

“I think I’m the lucky one,” Jolie said, utterly truthful. She really was. James was such a great guy. He deserved better than her, he deserved someone that could simply give her whole heart to him…

“Unfortunately I have to go to Liam,”

“What?!” Jolie said taking a step back in shock.

James looked down at her confused. “I have to go back to the gym, I left coach's notes there and I need to study them before our game.”

“Of course,” Jolie said managing a smile smile, though her heart was still pounding fiercely having heard that name. 

James kissed her once more before having to leave.


Jolie had her headphones blasting Natasha Bedingfield as she baked; she barely even noticed when Lena came through the door.

“Jolie?” Lena asked coming in. “Oh my gosh, that smells divine, and oh my god!”

Jolie looked up and quickly took her headphones off.

Lena was slack jawed as she saw that there were at least a couple dozen white chocolate macadamia cookies littering the kitchen counter.  “Are you planning to feed our whole dorm?” Lena asked putting her purse on one of the couches. 

Jolie looked down, gods she practically made enough for one person each in the whole building.  Her hands were still trembling though, seeing Liam again, in front of her, had sent a shock into her system and the only way she could deal with it apparently was to cook.

“Those look awesome, what are they?” Lena asked pointing to what Jolie was currently making.

Jolie looked down then immediately closed her eyes.  “Bittersweet chocolate truffles.” She said, her voice cracking as she opened her eyes again. 

“The name alone is making my mouth water.” Lena said.  “Um, I’m going to head back to Hope and spend the night, apparently One Direction are going to stay and hangout at Lacey’s for a bit, do you want to come?”

“No! I mean no thank you Lena.”

“Are you sure, you don’t need to be here by yourself, it’ll be fun we can do a girls' sleepover before we all leave tomorrow for Thanksgiving holiday!”

Jolie bit her lip.  It sounded so tempting.  Lena and Hope had quickly become really good friends of hers but she wasn’t sure if she could do it. She just wasn’t ready to see him nor to talk to him. Unconsciously, she gripped the top of the counter.  “Maybe I’ll join you later when I finish.”

“Oh okay. I’m just going to get a change of clothes then.  Jolie are you okay?” Lena asked, realizing that a tear was making its way down Jolie’s cheek. 

“Yes, just the heat from the oven,” Jolie lied.  “Why don’t you take some cookies with you to Hope’s. I don’t want them to go to waste.”

“Yeah, I will. Jolie do you want me to stay the night here? I totally can. We can do a girls' night here. Hope can come over with a bucket of ice cream and some chick flick!”

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