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"I think that was enough work for one day," Taehyung said while stretching one arm over his head.

I nodded in agreement allowing a long satisfying yawn to slip past my lips. Taehyung and I completed multiple surveillance missions today as a duo and we're totally pooped. Even gang members get tired from time to time and I'm just about ready to hit the hay.

"Let's go to bed," I uttered tiredly, waiting for Taehyung to follow.

Yes, we sleep in the same room. We are dating after all and I'm sure that he's the one. We accept each other's weirdness and our personalities mix well together. That's how we've successfully completed so many mission together, it was like we had this connection and we didn't need to speak in order to communicate. As corny as this may sound, he's the Ying to my Yang and I couldn't imagine anyone better to fill his place.

We both lazily got into bed after changing, resting in each other's arms.

"I love you," He whispered while pulling me closer.

"I love you too, now go to sleep. We have another mission tomorrow and I don't want you slowing me down," I teased.

"Slow you down? I can outrun you anytime anywhere sweetheart." He replied boastfully.

"Is that a challenge?" I smirked looking up at his smug face.

"No, it's not. It's a fact, now go to sleep so you 'don't slow me down.' " He mocked in a high pitched voice trying to sound girly.

I half-heartedly punch his chest with a small chuckle "I hate you."

"Oh, so you hate me now?"

"Shut up and go to sleep already," I laugh.

I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him with a smile planted on my lips, enjoying our playful conversation. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close once again.

"Goodnight sweetheart,"

"Night Tae,"

>>>>>Later that next day>>>>

Loud alarms and flashing lights were going off left and right, not to mention the numerous killers trying to find us and if that wasn't enough our communicators were jammed. We're royally fucked and we have no idea where the exit is since Jin our tech-savvy hacker isn't able to communicate with us.

"What do we do?" I ask, dashing down the hall right behind Taehyung.

"I don't know. We've gotta find a window, it's probably our best bet to get out of here."

We turned hallway after hallway, went down stairway after stairway and still NO FREAKING WINDOWS! Like what the heck?

We went through groups of guards and I'm wasn't going to lie, I'm crazy tired.

My legs were burning and so was my lungs. The sensations made it hard for me to aim correctly, thus I ran out of ammo and had to pick up whatever gun was discarded on the floor, thanks to the many dead bodies.

Thunderous footsteps were gaining on me and Taehyung as we sprinted down another hallway. We're running out of floors and we have no idea if we're gonna run into a dead-end. I just hope that because of the amounts of bad luck we've gotten something good will finally happen.

"There's an emergency exit 2 more floors down!" Taehyung yelled, busting open another door to the stairway.

"How do you know?"

"It said so on the sign."

"And you trust the random sign?" I stated plainly. 'We're totally going to die'

Bitter Sweet    {KTH ff}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang