Chapter 19:Need to take a break and figure it out

Start from the beginning

 "See here, I dunno what problems you had with mum, buh don't take it out on me" I got up from her bed annoyed. I was just about to walk away when she called out.

 "Why didn't you tell meh bout Loueh?"

 Oh so that's what this was about.

"There's nothing to tell really, we've just been hanging out a bit" I sat back down.

 "Yeah hanging out, he met mom already" she snapped.

 "Gia, he fetched me so he decided noht to be rude and come in to say hi. And before you goh on about him fetching me, it's because my car went for a service, remember?" I tried to explain just not in the most pleasant tone.

 "Whatever" she shrugged and put her earphones back in. I pulled one out again.

 "You might wanna hear this" she still looked annoyed, but she gestured for me to go on.

 "We're going to that pizza joint tonight and the boys wanted you to come along"

 "The boys?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

 "Louis and more so Zayn" I saw her eyes light up when I said the magic word, but then she made a conscious decision not to smile and acted uninterested.

 "No thanks" she mumbled.

 "Gia, what is wrong with you?" I pinched her arm.

 "Ouch! Whah was that for?!"

 "Why don't you wanna come?" I demanded. She sighed and removed the other earphone sitting up with her legs folded beneath her.

 "Cause it'll be like a double date or something, it'll be really awkward"

 "It won't be awkward Anthony will be there...well, at least he will now" I mumbled the last part under my breath.

 "Do I havta come?" she asked. She was starting to give in I could tell.

 "Yes, I'm not leaving you here to mope all by yourself"

 "Fine" she sighed.

Louis' POV

"So is she comin, babe?"

 "Only if Anthony comes" she sighed. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What was with Gia?

 "Ok I'll tell him...but if he doesn't come?"

 "Then I can't come, I don't wanna leave her alone again" she explained.

 "Ok then he'll be there"

 "Thanks Lou, sorry about my troublesome sister"

 "Oh don't apologize love, it's not your fault"

 "Maybe, but I somehow feel like I'm to blame for the way she's turned out"

 "Alright then, I'll see you later yeah?"

 "Yeah, bye Lou"

 "Bye babe" I cut the call and Zayn immediately started interrogating me.

 "Whah did she seh? Is Gia comin? Whah bout Anthoneh?"

 "Whoa calm down mate she's comin" that got a smile out of him. "But only if Anthony comes"

 He didn't seem too impressed about that and I totally understood. I mean I wouldn't exactly have been chuffed either. Anyway I explained the whole 'situation' to him and he agreed to the terms. So I got to see Priya some more and he got to see Gia. So it was a win win for everyone, except Tony that is, but who cares right?

Gia's POV

So much for staying away from Zayn. Now I was gonna have to look at his gorgeous face all night...not that I minded. But I'd made a deal with myself and Priya was making it very hard for me to keep thah.

 "Hey you ready?" she asked poking her head into my room while I was squeezing into my skinnies.

 "No, get out"

 "Those are tight" she commented.

 "Yeah does it look alright? Does it make me look fat?" I asked pulling down my top a little more.

 "No you look pretty. Now c'mon let's go"

 "Loueh can wait, first tell me if I look okeh" I pleaded.

 "You look good, really good" she smiled her eyes scanning my outfit.

 "You too"

 "Hardly" she mumbled as I followed her down the stairs.

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