"Mommy" Emme says and I look at her. She was pouting with her arms crossed too. It's funny. Her and Leah both look jealous. But I know Emme gets jealous when I give some other kid my attention. I try not to do it a lot but I love kids and I love sofia. I love when all of us are together and I can't wait for this baby so they'll bond with the baby too and we would all be happy and everything would be alright. That's how I hope and imagine it would be.
Leah's pov
3 months later

Me and Lynda are preparing a small gender reveal party for Jennifer at her house. Well it's for the baby and also a party for her sister. We decided to combine it together since the party wouldn't last long if it was just a gender reveal party. We set up everything in just a few hours. Jen helped too but we made her just do a little. She loves to work a lot even though she's pregnant, it's unbelievable.

"Babe sit down for at least a second" I tell jen as she was trying to help with setting out the tables. "Lemme just do this then I'm done" she said. "No you've done so much already! You need to rest for the party" I said. Jen rolled her eyes and sat on the chair. "I feel bad that you guys are doing all this." She said. "You're pregnant! It's completely fine! This party is for you and the baby. It's just a small party for Lynda and you and the baby. We invited close friends and the family" "ugh. You guys do so much for me" "because we love you. Now just relax. We've got this handled.

Jen sighs and looks up at me. "Thank you..I love you so much for helping out throughout these few months" she tells me. "Don't worry. It's nothing. I love doing this for you" I said and she smiles. She forms her lips showing me she wanted to kiss so I lean down and kissed her. I thought it would be a peck but she went on for a few seconds.

"Freak" I tell her as I pulled back. She smirks and then looks around. "You guys really did a good job" "see? We don't need help" I giggle. "Whatever" She said.

Later everyone arrived. I don't know where jen is. She went to say hi to one person. Then another.. then it kept leading on so she's probably saying hi to the whole party.

Emme and Sofia ran up to me both holding a small brownie that they were eating. "Oh my goodness you two look gorgeous!" I said and hugged them both. Lynda got them all dressed up and they're wearing the same outfits. I'm in looooove.

"Can I take a picture of you two"

"Sure" Emme says happily and stands by Sofia and hugs her and smiles for the picture.

"I love it! So cute" I said after taking the picture then stood up. "Where is mommy?" "She's saying hi to everyone but she'll be back" I said. "Okaaay" She said and then left with sofia. Jens house is huge so it's gonna be hard for me to look for her so I'll just wait till she comes back outside. I'm all over the place anyways. Me and her sister and Jens mom are helping around. My parents aren't because I forced them not to. They don't get decoration. Well they do but they just mess up what I try to do and it becomes a whole mess.
"Lee the baby has been kicking like crazyyy" I hear someone say. I turn around and it's Jen. Finally.

"Oh hey! The baby is excited that we're gonna find out the gender and she knows everyone is here!"

She groans and lays her head on me. "I'm already tired" "I'll let you sleep in all day tomorrow. Today you gotta be awake" I giggled. "Fine. You look really sexy by the way" she tells me. "Thank you gorgeous" I say and kissed her forehead.

The way that the gender will be revealed is simple but cute. It'll be in a huge balloon that Emme and Sofia will hold together then someone will pop it. Either me or Jennifer but I'm really considering jen to even though she keeps saying she wants me to. Everything here is decorated and there's a board for name suggestions after we find out the gender. I'm really excited. If it's a boy, I don't mind. It'll just be different for him because our whole family is girls. If it's a girl I don't mind either. She'll be another mini jen.

Later it was finally time. Lynda gathered everyone to come outside for the gender reveal. Emme and Sofia were standing holding the same string for the huge balloon. I walked over to them with Jennifer and she was nervous. I was too.

"Ohhh my gosh baby it's time" she said squeezing my hand. "I know!! I'm excited!" "I think you should pop the balloon. It's your baby" "yes but it's gonna be ours." "I'll stand right by you! You could pop it baby. Just trust me. It's better that you do" "okaaay fine."

I guess we're all ready. Everyone counted down and jen as biting her nail while holding the thing she was going to use to pop the balloon.
"3..2..1!" They yelled and jen popped it. Everyone started screaming. The colored confetti went everywhere. Mostly onto Emme and Sofia. I've never seen us all so happy. Jen looked at me and ran up to me and hugged me so tight. Then the girls were screaming happily and ran up to us too which turned into a group hug. This is only the beginning. I'm so excited for all of this.

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