Chapter 20

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Sorry I'm so late guys -_-






5 votes for Epilogue? 





Dmitri's POV

"Will you marry me?" It was time, I was down on one knee asking Mark to forever be mine. I felt like today was the day, Mark got a new job, he's been working out and he said he's been feeling like he's on top of the world, now it's his choice if he want's me up there with him. 

"U-Ba-I-I-Ye-" He was so chocked up he couldn't even say anything, tears were running down freely on his face, I hope they were happy tears. 

It was the middle of the day when I asked him to marry me, He had just come home from work and followed the corny rose pedals all the way to the bed room where I spelled out "Will you marry me?" in some rose pedals, as he was reading the message out loud I sneaked up behind him and got down on one knee. 

"Umm..." He drawled out, don't tell me he's going to say no. 

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into more minutes, just when I was about to get up because my foot was about to fall asleep he finally said an answer 

"Yes!! A thousands times yes!" He tackled me and planted kisses all over my face, I laughed in joy. He said yes! 

I got up with him in my arms, I gave him a big smack on the lips and threw him on the bed... you know the rest ;) 


It's been three weeks since the love of my life popped the question.

Three weeks since I could proudly call Dmitri my fiance, my other half and soon enough, my husband.


Nothing but making love and cuddling happened in those 3 weeks, it was pure bliss, but all good things must come to an end. Sure I went to work during those couple of weeks but now it's was Dmitri's turn, he had to see how everything was running and if his company was doing good. 

I wasn't about to sit home and do nothing all day, I quickly headed to the bathroom to take a hot shower. I stepped out the bathroom with a towel around my waist and my hair dripping wet, as I made my way to my room I walked past my Dmitri's and I's graduation planks, we finished high school a while back and I desisted to take a year off and go to collage next year, just to clear my mind up and think if Photography is what I really want to do. 

When I got into Dmitri's and I's room I didn't bother closing the door and just stripped off my towel. I put on some clean underwear and socks and started rummaging through my draws to find something to wear. I settled on a red flannel shirt, black skinny jeans and vans, I grabbed my camera and headed out the door and into the elevator. 

I waited a couple of minutes until I was in the lobby, I nodded to the people sitting in the couch and made my way out of the hotel. 

I walked and walked until I finally reached my favorite place, the abandoned beach behind the woods. I always used to come here just for relaxation. No one knew about this and I would like to keep in that way. 

Taking a deep breath, I rolled out all the tension in my shoulders and began snapping photos, nothing in my mind but the beautiful scenery.


I was now eating cupcake's at my moms house, these past months have been pretty hard but she's been making it the best she can, she decided to see if Anthony cleaned up his act good enough then they could maybe save their relationship, with a LOT  of effort.

My mom went up to her room to take a little nap as I watched her brownies that were now in the oven. 

A knock on the door made me put down my cupcake with much effort, I love sweet so much. 

I took my time going to the door, opening it wide open. To my shock there stood Anthony, suite cases in hand and a sad smile on his face, he looked much better than I last saw him, his hair was a bit longer, and slicked back.  He had one of those beards that were in right now. I'll admit he had that ruggedly  handsome look going on and it was working for him. 

"If you'll let me, I'm ready to be your father now."










Picture of Anthony to the side >>> ;) 

Sorry for the short chapter but awww wasn't that cute. 

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