Chapter 20

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Author's pov

Jake,Grace,norm,and a very scarred Hakguk are in a holding cell being guarded. They were all so emotionally and physically exhausted not to mention stunned none of them talked or moved an inch.
Grace finally looked up and spoke. "They didn't want us to succeed." Jake rubbed his neck then he glanced at Hakguk who stared at his hands in agony.

"They went to far...they call the natives savages but not only did they just blow up their homes! Look at what they did to Hakguk!" Soon there was a metal pounding on the maxi glass. "Pipe down!" They looked at each other then when back to their silent abyss.

There was a knock at the entrance door and they all looked over to see Trudy waving at the man. He lets her in and she comes wheeling a cart.
"Personally I think steak is too good for these traitors." She speaks up.

The guard raises an eyebrow then he walks over. "Steak that's bullshit let me see." He bends down to open the hot cart when Trudy pulls out her pistol and aims the muzzle at the back of the guard's neck. "Yeah you know what this is..down pendejo." She slams the gun on the guard's head ultimately knocking him out.

She whistles and max comes running in with a key card. Hakguk looks at Norm and smirks slightly "what a woman." Norm chuckles and rubs his neck bashfully. Max unlocks the cell and they all pile out. Norm walks over to Hakguk and places him on his back since he was still sore. "You rock baby." Norm leans over and kisses Trudy. "Yeah you rock honey." Hakguk leans his head over and kisses Trudy's cheek. "Watch it." Norm warns teasingly.

Trudy chuckles then a guard heads towards Max. "Max watch out!" Jake shouts. Max growls and spins around landing an upper cut on the man. "That was surprisingly satisfying." They all look at each other then they run down the hall. Trudy opens the door leading to the helicopters. "Come on let's move it!" They near the helicopter when Jake decides to crack a joke.

"Who is up for a little revolution!?" They pull Jake up onto the helicopter as Trudy starts the engine. "I'm free." Grace comments, "what about you Hakguk?" Hakguk hauls himself in. "Yeah me too. I could go for a revolution right about now." He sits down on the chair and suddenly the helicopter turns on. "Yeah baby!" Hakguk hands them all exo packs as the door for the helicopters opens.

They Samson lifts off the ground as soon as Quaritch slams the emergency door open and begins to shoot. They all make it in the helicopter and Jake begins to cheer while everyone laughs. All but Grace who removes her hand from her side, her hand coated in a red liquid. "Aw shit not again."

Hakguk looks over and gasps, "Grace has been shot." She smiles but then hisses a bit, "this is going to ruin my whole day." Trudy hisses under her breath "take her to the back there are medical supplies under the sink!" Jake stays with Grace while Hakguk runs to the best of his ability to go get them.


The Samson lifts the shack off the original site with the help of Norm in his Avatar. They drive off to a more secluded area in the forest and place it down. Once the shack and the Samson are down Hakguk lifts Grace bridal style and hops off the helicopter ignoring the pain in his lower region. Jake with the help of Norm gets off the helicopter and soon he wheels inside the shack where Hakguk got to work trying to stop the bleeding.

"Grace we are going to get you help." Jake announced. Hakguk grips Grace's hand in his and smiles sadly. "No forget it." Jake slams his hand on the bed in anger and panic "god dammit Grace we will! The people can help you!" Grace smiles sadly.

"Look if they can help me that would make my day a whole lot better. But let's be real here-" she wheezes a bit then continues. "I am getting too old anyway...and my lungs aren't the best...if I die at least I die in Pandora." Hakguk kissed Grace's knuckles. "I can't loose you Grace....I don't have anyone anymore....My parents won't take me in once they find out I'm Gay...Tsu'tey probably hates me...and Jake will be separated from me if we get sent back to earth-" Hakguk gasps out and tears well up in his eyes.

"You are like a sister I've never are special to me Grace. If I wasn't for you! I wouldn't have ever got to meet Jake, or norm. And I would have never got to experience what it's like to love a planet. I owe you my life Grace because that's what you gave me!" He looks down as he brings Grace's hand to his forehead.

"I am so scared Grace...I know I sound like a pussy...but I'm scared...I can't loose you Grace...please let us try to save you! Please!" Grace looks away as tears spill from her eyes. Hakguk looks up and sees the tears coming from Grace's eyes. "After what I just went through don't I deserve a little reassurance that I will be alright because my favorite gal is alive." Grace turns around and hugs Hakguk. Jake wheels over and joins in the hug but at the same time he is trying to hide his tears.

"Alright kid help me." Hakguk sniffles and pulls away. Jake wheels back a bit, "but only because...I love you two numbnuts." Hakguk grins goofily with Jake. "Come on Jake we have a couple of banshee's to capture...and also an other of couple of banshees to console."

Jake looks at Hakguk and nods. "The last shadow and the life giver. We are coming for you."

Reality is a nightmare (Tsu'tey love story)Where stories live. Discover now