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I just wanted to share some notes on my last chapter. You don't have to read this if you don't want to, I'm just putting it out there. As someone who doesn't suffer from panic or anxiety attacks, it was hard to write this scene. I want it to accurately describe what a person goes through but I've never experienced it. I'm also aware that the cause of Josh's panic attack is given and he isn't necessarily fearing for himself, but I still belive that it makes sense for him to have this reaction. Sorry if the scene isn't good but I'm working on it. Please leave constructive criticism on how I can improve my depiction. On the flashback to Kristian's tape, this one was hard to write. I do struggle with depression as I've briefly shared before, but am not suicidal so I'm not exactly sure about the thought process. I wanted to make it very clear that Kristian isn't suicidal either. She clearly says that she doesn't want to die but will because she's in love. I think that this should be categorized as another illness but am not sure what it is so I didn't want to say anything. Once again, this isn't necessary to read, it just makes me feel better to put all of my thoughts on this topic out there. Thanks!*

Is someday today? // JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now