Stay With Me

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Josh POV:

Everyone thought that they were the greatest couple. I mean, they had the same name, and from far away, everything seemed great. As you got closer, you began to notice. Chris was either cheating or telling her to kill herself, while Kristian was either drinking or attempting suicide. Finally one night, she caught him in bed with her sister. He told her that if she loved him, she would go die, and so she did. Most people thought that Kristian had been struggling with depression, but she wasn't clinically depressed or suicidal at all. That was the worst part. She loved him and was willing to die for him. No one knew that it was his fault. I only know because they were my best friends. As the door closed, I started panicking. I can't lose Maya too! I look at my hands, trembling uncontrollably, as my vision becomes blurry. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and can't stop the tears from rolling down my face. I fell to the floor and couldn't get up. All I could do was relive the memories.

Flash back 3 years//

Kristian- "He told me to kill myself today, but this time was different. He said that if I didn't, then I didn't really loved him. I told him that I wasn't ready to die. He said that that was why he chose my sister. When you watch this, I just want to let you know that I truly do love you Christian."

Flashback end//

I hear someone call my name and say something about a paintbrush but the chest pain is even worse now. I feel someone wrap their arms around me as I try to breath. I jump away but get pulled back in. It feels familiar. I try to focus on who's hugging me instead of the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm dying. I hear faint singing and recognize the voice. "Maya? Are you ok? Please tell me you're ok! I can't lose you too! Maya?"

Maya- "I'm right here Josh. I'm ok, I promise. Try to breath." She keeps hugging me and I try to match the rising and falling of her cheast as she hums. After about 10 minutes, I'm ok again, just shaken. I get up and go to my room to take a nap, dragging Maya with me.

Josh- "Please stay with me."

Maya- "Of course."

Hey, thank you so much for reading my story. I hope it helps satisfy your joshaya heart a bit. I love reading your comments so feel free to say whatever's on your mind. If you like the chapter, please vote for it. I know it seems mundane but it helps me, the author, a lot to see what y'all like and don't like about the story. Enjoy!

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