
I made my way up to the guest room and began to take my shoes and dress off and place them on a chair that was in the corner of the room. I put on my maternity night dress and and wiped my face free of make up. I took my hair down and lay down on the soft cosy bed. 


"Thank you guys so much for coming we really appreciate it" I began to push them out the door 

"Bye bye" 

I closed the door and took a deep breath trying not to get upset

"Heyyyy..." Matt came over and wrapped his arms around me 

"I just want her to be happy, I don't want her to be alone and go through this pregnancy all alone."

"They will be in time, I don't think pushing them into it is gonna help"

He took me by my waist and walked me into the living room. The door opened

"Sorry I'm late Amy puked all over the car and I had to...." Alex stopped mid sentence and looked around realising everyone was gone. 

"Matt.. im so sorry I didn't wanna leave the kids until I got a doctor and I had to get the car cleaned.."

"Its fine, its ok... your here now lets get a drink"  

Panic set in, how was this plan ever going to work. Mia was gone, the party was over and Alex is right in front of me.

"Alex, its nice to meet you again"

"You too congratulations and welcome to the family" 

He opened his arms and pulled me in for a hug. 

"Thank you, excuse me I will be back in a moment." 

I left the boys in the kitchen while I tried to think of a plan, and at this rate it had to be a very good one. I made my way upstairs and towards the guest room door, I put my ear up and heard nothing so I gently knocked. 

"Come in" 

I opened the door 

"Mia, why don't you come down stairs for a nice cuppa tea and your favourite chocolate biscuits" 

"Jesus Kourtney I've been eating all day and now you want me to eat more" she laughed

I fake/nervously laughed back

"Oh come on, soon you won't be able to move so why not make the most of it" 

"Im fine honestly, I'm gonna try finish this pregnancy book and its already putting me to sleep"

I couldn't think of anything else to say or do at this point I was fresh out of ideas. 

"Ok, well.... let me know if you need anything" 

"Thanks I will"

I backed out of the room, closed the door and began slapping my head. I had to think of another plan. 


"How have you been, hows the kids" 

I picked up the bottle of beer and took a sip

"Fine, think Amy has a bug I never seen so much vomit from such a small person"

He laughed and slapped my shoulder

"How have you really been, I know I haven't been there in the past but I wanna be here now"

"Im fine, Alison's in prison I hate lying to the kids but she did something unforgiven"

"I agree with you, well I think your doing a great job" 

He clinked bottles together and nodded our heads. 

"So, you dating or?"

"Nope, I was seeing someone, but it ended she left and didn't say anything on the day she was supposed to meet the kids. Annabelle was pretty pissed off about it"

I took another sip of the beer

"Im pretty pissed off about it I mean its not that hard to text or to let me know your leaving don't just leave me hanging around. I really wanted to make it work with her" 

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. 

"If its meant to be son, it will"


I ran into the bedroom, I had a plan it was very dramatic but it was bound to work. I took off my dress and changed into a pair of leggings and a jumper. I know I was 40 years of age and this could possible cause damage but, it was worth a try. 

I tip toed out the bedroom door, down the stairs until I reached the last 2 steps 


And threw myself down the last two steps onto the floor. Matt and Alex came rushing out to help me up

"Oh my god Kourtney are you ok? what happened?" 

And before my eyes there she was half way down the stairs, I quickly got up and grabbed onto Matt's arm and pulled him into the living room. Alex just stood up and looked at us confused.


He quickly turned round and noticed her 

"Mia.. what the.. "

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