chapter 20

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I could feel Megan’s sweaty hands shaking as I squeezed them tightly in mine, my heart racing at a million and one miles an hour and I’m positive that hers was exactly the same. I heard a small breath of Meg’s catch in her throat and I wasn’t even breathing. In that moment breathing was secondary to everything else. Why on earth had we suddenly started acting like total idiots who had lost control of basic bodily functions? Because the One Direction boys, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Niall and Harry were sitting right in front of us.

“Niall mate, don’t steal my chips, eat your own!” Harry yelled, punching Niall in the arm for sneaking a chip off Harrys plate of what looked like fish and chips.

“But mine are all gone!!” Niall moaned.

“And I wonder why that would be mate!” chuckled Louis as he sipped on a beer which he appeared to be enjoying.

Zayn was perched on a stool, staring into the back of a spoon, fixing his hair and Liam was on his phone, most likely texting his girlfriend, Danielle, who was back in England or tweeting some adoring fans. Yep, they were real. This was reality even though it felt the polar opposite.

“What do we do?” I whispered to Megan, conscious of how loud we were speaking.

“Well we obviously have to go up to them, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”

“Okay okay, oh my god Megan what do we say?” I asked, super nervous and totally over analysing the current situation.

“Who even knows, let’s just go over and start up a conversation!” Megan said.

I laughed, unaware where this sudden burst of confidence had come from but loving every second of it and hoping she kept it up- it weighed out my nerves perfectly. There was only one way for us to go about this and it was to take the direct approach- just walk straight up to them and attempt to have a conversation. Well that’s what we were aiming for anyway, weather that was actually achievable unknown. There was a surprising lack of security considering the crazy reaction their arrival had caused all over Sydney and the rest of the country when they had arrived a few days ago. Security had been insanely tight- so tight that drastic measures had to be taken and the police had been called in as re-enforcements to hold back the hordes of screaming and emotional teenage girls. And now we were standing here at the Opera House and they were sitting at the bar, playing around, stealing each other’s chips, drinking beer and just generally having a good time with only one security guard, who was loved by the fandom almost as much as the boys themselves.

This was our one chance, our one and only shot to meet One Direction and we were going to make the most of it. Standing up, still holding onto each other’s hands for dear life, we slowly made our way over to the table.

“Here goes nothing,” I said to Megan as I gulped, took a breath and prepared for what was going to be the most nerve wracking yet incredible moment of my entire life.

its everything about youOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora