chapter 12

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I dumped my bag on the ground next to Meg, throwing my folder containing all my books after it which was decorated in pictures of Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall & Zayn. I sat down in a huff as Meg stated the obvious, saying “I take it that PE didn’t go so well?”

“You can say that again,” I replied, annoyed that I had gotten a detention for forgetting my uniform.

“Right, so it’s time we started planning how we’re gonna get our hot little hands on those tickets- they come on sale Friday so we best get our act together quick smart” Meg said in an effort to distract me and lift my spirits. We started plotting our grand master plan to make two of those One Direction Sydney concert tickets ours and we finally came up with a failsafe (well in our eyes anyways) plan but we had one thing to watch out for. That one thing was bitchy ‘directionators’ stealing our plans for getting tickets and using them for themselves when they really didn’t deserve the tickets and we truly did. We just had to watch that we weren’t caught talking too loudly about our plans and we would be all sweet. Unfortunately for us we weren’t so careful on one particular occasion that very afternoon after we had discussed just how cautious we had to be. It was as though we were discussing war plans not concert tickets. But then again, fighting for One Direction tickets was war.

That afternoon after the bell had rang, Meg and I were standing at her locker, collecting her books before going to her place for a ‘study session’ this afternoon (which, like all best friends was really just us eating junk in her bedroom, gossiping, fangirling and watching trashy TV shows.)

“So I’ll meet you at Westfield’s at 6am so that we can line up for tickets?” She said loudly. Too loudly.

Not thinking about how loudly I was speaking and who was around us to hear I said “yep, and both my parents and your mum will be trying online too. Surely we’re bound to get them somehow?”

“Hopefully!” She said to me excitedly as she slammed her locker shut and turned to walk down the hallway, before our conversation was rudely interrupted by the only girl in this world who I could safely say that I hated. Claudia. She was speaking loudly at the top of her voice to her friends (or as we liked to call them, minions) as she walked with her shiny black handbag on her shoulder, her fake blonde hair sashaying with every step she took.

“So, Tash, Bridget- what time are you two meeting up tomorrow morning to get my, sorry our, tickets?” Claudia said with an evil voice.

Both the girls looked quizzically at each other, obviously unaware that Claudia would not be joining them in the freezing cold the next morning to line up for concert tickets. “Errrrm…. Not sure yet, when do you think?” Bridget asked her.

“Let’s ask Megan and Kate!” Claudia said with false excitement in her voice. She would rather lick the sole of a shoe than talk to us; even if I did once consider her my friend (some friend she turned out to be.) Megan and I were gobsmacked. We looked at each other with an expression of pure and utter shock painted upon our faces. We had been so extremely careful; how on earth could anyone, let alone Claudia and Co. found out about our flawless plan?!?!

“I…I…..” stammered Meg. She wasn’t one to usually stammer but sometimes when she got nervous or found herself in an awkward situation she just couldn’t help it.

Claudia looked down her nose at the both of us, her piercing eyes, rimmed with black, looking us up and down as if we were a speck of dirt from the bottom of her shoe. “Oh that’s right girls, I heard them say 6am earlier so rug up cause it’ll be freezing!” She laughed.

“See you there!” Tash said, obviously not excited to be sitting outside in the freezing cold for hours before re-linking arms with Claudia and Bridget and walking away.

Meg and I turned to each other, both of our mouths open as we were utterly shocked. How on earth had they found out about our plan?! And more importantly, why were they copying us? They didn’t even like One Direction a week ago and now they were going to huge lengths to get concert tickets! There was only one thing I could say. “Shit.”

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