chapter 4

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My mood instantly deflated as I walked into my maths classroom, for one thing it was seriously drab just like every classroom in the school, but also every single pair of eyes was staring at me and my classmates weren’t exactly trying very hard to stay unheard about their thoughts of me and I could hear every horrible, bitchy comment said about me. I took my seat at the back of the class, alone, and tried to keep up my carefree exterior when it was really getting to me and I just wanted to curl up into a ball, put on moments and cry. The teacher whom I could barely understand took his usual place in front of the whiteboard and started to blab on about some Pythagoras Therom crap, usually I would have done my best to cause a fuss about something to annoy the crap out of my teacher but today I didn’t have the effort required so I just slumped in my seat and thought about my life that was turning into a huge mess. “She’s just so two faced” I heard a girl whom I was barely friends with, Elise, say to my friend Adam- no doubt trying to impress Claudia’s minions that were sitting on the left hand side of the classroom who were pouting and touching up their lip gloss in the cameras of their phones. The only thing that was keeping me from letting the tears out and breaking down was the thought of hanging out with Megan at recess and the possibility that I may have just made a new friend in her. She seemed pretty cool, she had a chilled out vibe to her and she loved One Direction just like me, so that was a huge plus!

“Only five minutes more” I kept repeating to myself inside my head, longing to escape the grey classroom. I picked up my sharpie and continued to doodle in the back of my maths book, extending the pattern of flowers and stars across the back cover. I sat at my desk with my bag all packed up, on the edge of my seat, staring at the clock, waiting for the bell to ring, to free me from this hell of confusing  numbers and equations that I was never going to use in life. “Kate!” I heard my teacher half yell.

“oh great” I muttered to myself- this was going to be another ‘there are still thirty seven seconds of class yet sit down and continue your work until the bell rings’ situation.

Sure enough, he questioned me as to why I was not still working hard at solving the surface area of a cylinder and proceeded into lecturing me (much to the delight of my sneering classmates) as to why I needed to spend every minute of class time working and not drawing pointless pictures in the back of my book. I zoned out, eyes on the clock, totally ignoring my fuming maths teacher and sniggering classmates. “Only five seconds left then you’re out of here and can go and find Megan” the voice in my head chanted.

“RIIIIINNNNNGGGG!!!!!!!!!!” to much delight the sound of the school bell filled my ears, freeing me from that hell hole of a classroom. I scooped up my bag and raced towards the door only to be pushed out of the way by the peroxide Claudia wannabes who used to be my best friends. “Um excuse me?” I said to Molly who evidently felt as though she was too important to be able to talking to someone like me.

“Do you hear something?” she asked Tess who was standing next to her, on the lookout for Declan, her boyfriend.

“I can hear you!” I said loudly- nothing pissed me off more than when people acted as if you weren’t in the same room as them.

“Nope” Tess responded before running off to plant a kiss on Declan’s mouth, drowning him in cherry lip gloss and saliva.

I was fed up with these so called ‘friends’ and so I pushed my way through them causing a stream of “watch it’s” and “excuse me bitch’s” but I honestly could not care less anymore, my friendship with them no matter how long and fun it was at times was clearly now over and I didn’t want to talk to Claudia, Tess, Molly or any of the others for a very long time. I pushed open the big windowed door, walked down the stairs and proceeded to make my way down to the canteen where I had agreed to meet Megan for recess. I just hoped that she hadn’t made friends with anyone I didn’t get along with (pretty much everyone at the moment) as I was really looking forward to hanging out with her, getting to know her little better and of course obsessing over five guys on the other side of the world who had no idea that we even existed. 

its everything about youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang