Chapter 7- Viral Hit

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     "The one where your being dragged across the floor at the lobby of a building by a man and a dog," the girl said with a hint of amusement in her voice. 

      "WHAT?!" I practically yelled. "Someone got that on video?! What is it called?" 

      "Uh, yes someone got it on video and I thinks its called "Girl being dragged by dog and man across hotel lobby," she replied, most likely shocked by my sudden outburst. Then she walked away to tend to other customers while I sat there in shock. 

     Who in the world would have but that on Youtube? How many people have seen it? Why me? All these questions were going through my head as Hunter was on his phone. 

      "What are you doing?" I asked with an edge to my voice, now annoyed that every has seen my moment of stubborness in the lobby of my condo building. 

     "Looking up this video. I have to see it," he replied without even looking up at me. At that I reached across the table in an attempt to pull his phone out of his hands, but he anticipated my reaction and held his phone out of my reach. 

     "Give me the phone Hunter!"


     "Give it over NOW!"

     "Nice try, but no." 

     "Ugh, hate my life!" 

     We weren't screaming, but we weren't being the quietest of people either. Finally I gave up, but Hunter at least agreed to allow me the pleasure of viewing the video with him. 

     We were leaning over the table with the phone between us as we watched with anticipation. Hunter was finding the whole thing hilarious as my dad was yelling at me about how immature I was and how I needed to get over my fears, while at the same time he was dragging me with Nano. I was horrified to relieve that moment as I saw how many people have viewed it. 

     "2 million views!" I slightly shreiked as my eyes went to the size of tennis balls. This couldn't be happenning. Dad was not going to be pleased about this. What if colleges saw this? And my friends back home?! Ah! 

     "Yo-you're a-a viral hi-hit," Hunter said between laughs. He was laughing so hard from the video, that there were tears in his eyes. 

     "This isn't funny! I can't believe someone put this online, and people are actually watching it. I'm never going to be able to go out in public again!" I started ranting. So much for trying to fit in nicely at school. That's probably why everyone was staring at me in the cafeteria today. Ugh, why does this have to happen to me. 

      Hunter finally calmed his laughing session long enough to say,"Sorry Vic, but you have to admit. This video is hilarious. I don't know why I haven't seen it sooner." He had on the biggest smile that I wanted to smack off his face.  

     "Whatever. That explains all of the stares from earlier." 

     "Yep," Hunter said nonchalantly as he went back to looking over his menu. 

      I slowly went back to my menu and cooled off. I don't have anger management issues I swear. I just don't like to deal with certain things. 

     The waitress finally came back, but didn't ask me anymore questions about my surprise video, and took our orders. While we were waiting for the food, Hunter and I took the opportunity to try and catch up a little. 

     "So, are you actually living at the Golden Empire?" he asked. 

     "Yeah, how did you know?" I asked him right back, wondering how he figured it out. 

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