Chapter 4-Reunion with the New Girl

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Hunter Adams POV:

The next day at school....

     I could've sworn I saw her. It was weird. I was at the pool of my condiminium with my friends. Well, semi-friends. And then this girl ran into the door and then she looked like her. Like Victoria, almost. But that couldn't be possible because she still lived in Atlanta, she couldn't possibly be here in Manila. Could she? 

      I had gotten to school early, like the good nerd I am. There were a few people there, but none of them wanted to talk to me. They all pretty much hated me. Why do you ask? 

      Because I'm smarter than they are. They're all Asian. Like hardcore Asians with no other mindset other than school. They are very competitive and were all at the top of the class, that is until I came. Then I started being at the top, when I didn't even try that hard. I guess school just comes naturally for me, so now I'm pretty much the outcast. So much fun. Plus I'm one in three Americans at this school. And when I say American, I mean like the only white person here. Sad I know. Everyone else is Asian. So that makes me the tallest kid in the school. I feel like a giant. Urgh. 

     I was grabbing my books for my first two classes, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked down to where the tap had come from and there was a girl.  She was tiny, like a doll. She was really pretty. I stared at her for a moment. She looked really familiar for some reason. Then again, almost everyone here looks the same to me. Partially because I ignore them completely, so don't judge. 

     "Hi, I'm new here and you look like the only person that speaks English here, so could you give me directions to the main office please?" She asked. Okay, so its alright that I don't recognize her, she's new.  But why is she coming so late in the year? We only have two weeks left.  And why did she ask me. She's clearly Asian...

     "Oh, okay. Um...yea, sure follow me," I said, unsure of how to react. She looked really familiar, but I couldn't put a place. 

     "Thanks, this means a lot. I suck with directions," she replied, sort of embarrassed, her cheeks took on a pink tinge. I wonder why. 

     "May I ask you something?" I asked. 

     She nodded with her eyebrows raised, silently saying yes. 

     "Why are you coming to school here so late? I mean, its a little weird. Also, what year are you going to be in?" I asked, genuinely curious, I was semi-hoping she was going to be mine, but that was a ling shot. I was going to be a senior next year. And its extremely rare to get a new student in the IB in their senior year. 

     "Well I'm going to be a senior next year, which I know is weird to transfer school in the middle of an IB program. But I didn't really have a choice. My dad just got transfered here and he wouldn't leave me on the otherside of the planet. So, here I am," she replied calmly, but there was a look of mischeviousness in her eyes. What? What was this girl thinking? Is she crazy? 

      "Wow, you're my age then. Well, welcome. Be careful though, these people bite. They're very academic," I warned, if she ended up being as good as school as I was then, she was in for a problem. And for some unknown reason I felt like I couldn't let anything bad happen to this girl. The one I just met two minutes ago. 

      "Thanks, but I'm not that smart. And I hate school, especially these uniforms. What the hell is with these things? We didn't have uniforms back in my old school. And now I know why," she replied, pulling at her skirt and the collar of her shirt, she looked really cute making faces as she was failing at whatever she was trying to do. My uniform was pretty uncomfortable too, but I couldn't imagine what it was like to have to wear a skirt instead of pants. 

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