"However, is that possible? Even without a girl by his side last year, I heard he didn't even blink an eye on any of those girls; and now he is all head over heels for Abigail. That man who had never bowed down to the strongest mafias before always kneels down in front of her. Do you think that kind of man will actually accept any marriage proposal?"
I inaudibly gasp. These girls; they were talking about me all along. Hold up!!!! What do they mean Jason is head over heels for? Did they mix up me and the girl who Jason likes because we're of the same age.

"Abigail." A scoffed at C. She sounded like she hated me and here I thought I was loved by everyone in the family. I sure am delusional. I sulked thinking how most people had to put up with me just for their boss' happiness. 

"Abigail is just a phase and nothing else. Do you actually think a twenty-two year old man who can have anything and anyone in his feet in a snap would actually go for something like that?"

"Then why would a man surrounded by hot women keep a fifteen year old r*nt?" B asked A with the same distasteful voice. Looks like the only person who doesn't hate me here is C. Or maybe it is just because of the fear of her boss she didn't use a hostile tone talking about me.

"Do you know how when a kid is all fussy, their mother gives them a toy to keep them calm. Just like that Abigail is just a toy to keep him entertained for a bit of time. Once, he feels tired of her just watch how he will kick her out himself."

Toy? Is that what I really am? Of course what was I thinking we two would actually be? Jason is only using me as a bait to get his debt back from my dad. Having me by his side not only will get him his money back easily but keep his life entertained. With slouched shoulders I turn around to see Rosa standing there with hands on her hips with very unpleasant look. Before I could open my mouth, she stormed inside.

"If you ladies have enough time to waste chit chatting over here than why don't you go around help with the chores." Rosa said with a low and threatening tone. After that the three ladies squirmed out of the kitchen while I stood at my spot, my head low. As soon as they were in front of me; two out of three ladies scoffed and sauntered away. 

"Aren't you coming in?" Rosa peeked at through the door. I smiled at her before moving inside. She asked me if I had just woken up and I just hummed in reply. I was too shy to reply because it was already middle of the day and I don't want to be known as a failure child.

"What would you like to eat?"

"A toast would be fine." I said unenthusiastically causing her to face me with a shock expression. 

"What do you mean 'a toast would be fine'? You are a growing up child you need more than a toast to fill up that tummy." She sounded very offended with her hands on her hips.

"Uh-- it's actually.."

"No, no excuses. I will make something good for you." Without another word she started doing her magic while I stood their awkwardly. A minute passed by and the awkwardness had fully eaten me up. So I asked Rosa for some work I could help with but she just pointed at the stool I was sitting before. Me being the obedient person I was, I obeyed her and sat down. Not like I was actually going to be of help in the kitchen matters. I would definitely put her in more distress if I even think of doing simple things like cracking an egg.

A few moments later another person entered the kitchen. Linda looked fresh out of the shower in her sweats, smelling amazingly enchanting. After greeting everyone she made her way to the refrigerator and the cabinets; and took out the ingredients to make her protein shake. After a bit, my meal was ready and Linda was gulping down her shake. Just then someone enter the kitchen with two big grocery bags in each of her side. Looking at Courtney's struggle with two giant bags-- okay not that giant but big enough to cover her half of the body-- nearly made Linda choke and my eyes were wide open.

"What are with those bags, honey?" Rosa asked as she and Linda both went to help with her.

"Oh! Just some grocery." Linda looked inside the bags and looked at the girl.

"Just some grocery or just a lot of pineapples."

"Just.... a lot of... pineapples." Courtney timidly smiled at us.

"Why so much pineapples tho?"

"From today onward I am going on a pineapple diet. Gavin said because I am growing up, I need more fruit diets especially pineapple." Rosa and Linda gave each other curious look before turning to Courtney.

"Court, did Gavin tell you to go on pineapple diet just because you are growing up or for some other reason?" 

"He said I am turning eighteen next month and this is a part of preparation for my eighteenth birthday."

"He just said this was for you preparing to be eighteen or for more other reasons." Linda leaned over Courtney with a very curious and suspicious look.

"Why? Is there other reason to go on a pineapple diet?" Courtney asked her innocently blinking her eyes. I also stopped feeding myself and watch them interestingly waiting for Linda's answer. Nonetheless Linda just sighed and gave Courtney a pat on her head; saying along the line how innocent we were before walking out of the kitchen holding her bottle. Courtney and I stared at each other for a moment before shrugging our shoulders and going back to our own world.

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