He lightly knocked, before opened the door. (y/n) was awake, looking at something on her phone.

She looked awful. Awful as in sick. She was still beautiful, as always.

"Hey Sun." (y/n) said.

"Hello (y/n). I remember this morning that you wanted someone to bring yo your make-up work, so here I am." I said.

"Oh, you actually remembered. Thanks so much." (y/n) said.

"Anytime." I said before putting the work on her bedside desk.

(y/n)'s grandpa then left, muttering something about 'cute couple'.

... Glad to hear he approves...

"Do you want some help with your homework?" I offered.

"Sure. Thanks." (y/n) said with a weak smile.

... Wish I could take away her pain...


"Thanks for the help Sun; I really do appreciate it." (y/n) said with a beautiful smile.

"It was nothing. Just know that I'm always willing to help you if you need it." I said.

(y/n) smiled once more. Her beautiful smile, in which I couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, I must go, sadly. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow at school." I said.

"Yeah. Hopefully." (y/n) said.

I then left (y/n)'s room.

Before I left, (y/n)'s grandma came up to me.

"Just know that you're always welcome here." She said.

I thanked her, before leaving.

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Sun's too sweet sometimes.

Just as I was about to get back to my thing, I heard someone knock on the door to my room... And they sounded desperate.

I quickly jumped out of bed, and rushed to the door, where Hau was holding a giant pot of something.

"Hey Hau." I said while letting him in.

"Where do you... Want this?" Hau asked, obviously struggling.

"There. And let me help you." I said, before helping Hau put the pot on my dresser.

Hau finally sighed in relief when it was finally out of his arms.

"Did you carry that all the way to my place?" I inquired.

"Yep." Hau said with pride.

Is Hau some kind of superhuman?

"Wow." Was all I could say.

"So, you hungry?" Hau questioned.

"A bit. But why'd you bring me this pot of..."

"It's my own homemade get-well strew that I make whenever I feel sick. I thought that it might help you as well." Hau explained.

"That's sweet of you Hau." I said.

"Well, want me to get you a bowl and spoon?" Hau asked.

"I can get them-"

"No! You're sick, and I'm here to help, so sit and let me take care of you." Hau said, before forcing me to sit on my bed, and leaving.

Oh Hau... You are something else...

A few minutes later, Hau came back with a bowl and spoon. He then filled up the bowl and got a bite already.

"Say 'ah'." Hau said.

"Wait, you're feeding-"

I was cut off by Hau feeding me.

It was a tad bit hot, but very delicious.

"Hau, this is amazing! I'm already starting to feel better." I said.

Hau smiled.

"I'm glad." Hau said.

I then smiled.


"Well, I should probably go. Hala said to be back by a certain time, so... I should go..." Hau sadly said.

"It's fine. Thanks for the meal and nice little chat." I said.

"Of course; anything for you, (y/n)." Hau said, before leaving.

Man am I tired. Might as well get some sleep.

But, before I could do so, I received a text.

I looked at it, to see that it was from Gladion.

You still awake?

I texted back, saying yes and asking why.

I have some medicine that might help. If you want some.

I texted back, saying 'sure'.

Minutes later, Gladion was in my room, handing me some expensive-looking medicine.

"You need to take one spoonful every twelve hours for 2-3 days, or until the pain goes away, and you should feel better." Gladion instructed.

"Okay. Thanks. How can I ever repay you?" I questioned.

"Nothing. There's no need to repay me." Gladion said.

"You sure?"


I sighed in defat.

"Fine." I said.

"Well, I'll let you get some sleep now. Goodnight." Gladion said before leaving.

"Night." I said, even though I'm sure he couldn't hear me.

... Well... I sure have the best friends ever...

Hey everyone! Hope you're still enjoying the story. Listen... I won't be able to update for a few days since I'm going somewhere for Spring Break, so yeah... Sorry! Hope you can understand! Later! =^-^=

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