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"I sweet talked Mo'at into allowing Grace and Norm to enter. I had made a promise to Norm and I was intending to keep it. Ever since then Grace has been extra nice to Jake and myself. I guess she is trying to show her appreciation for what we have done but she doesn't have too...allowing me to enter the Avatar program was enough of a payment to me."

Another day

Tsu'tey kneels down on a trail and touches them lightly. He touches the edges of the plants then he grabs Hakguk's hand and gently brushes his hand against the plant. Their faces are extremely close,Hakguk coughs and looks away while Tsu'tey looks at the sky and sniffs the air.

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"I'm learning how to read tracks! I'm also learning about tracks in water holes which are hard to pick up and any tiny scent that may seem a bit off."

Hakguk look at the ground then he grins at the camera with a noticeable blush on his face. "Also Tsu'tey and I are getting somewhat close."

With Tsu'tey

Tsu'tey and Hakguk watch through a screen of leaves at a rather close proximity as a herd of huge, armored Sturmbeest walks through the shallows of a lake.In the middle of the herd the babies are sheltered from predators among their parent's legs. One of the bulls trumpets, and a flock of tetrapterons takes flight, an explosion of purple wings.Hakguk stares at the strange and wild alien tableau.

Another place
Hakguk watches as Tsu'tey stands utterly still, except for his ears, which move with a life of their own. Hakguk contains a small giggle at the cuteness. Tsu'tey's eyes are closed. He speaks very softly to Hakguk, "When you hear nothing, you will hear everything. When you see nothing, you will See everything."

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"As weird as it sounds I understand what he means. Those little talks or advice he gives me is also really helping me with my painting. It's like his words paint a picture in my mind and that in turn is converted to actual art."

Hakguk fiddled with his thumbs a bit.

"He is a good teacher."

In the forest
Hakguk and Tsu'tey creep quietly, stalking a large male Hexapede -- a six legged deer-like creature.
Hakguk expertly nocks an arrow and draws his bow as Tsu'tey watches. He takes a bead on the hexapede -- tracks it for a beat with the drawn bow, then relaxes his arm. Zen archery.

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"According to Tsu'tey the reason I can't make a kill yet is because the forest hasn't granted me permission which I am in no rush for it to grant my permission. I don't mind it because that means I get to spend more time with Tsu'tey."

With Tsu'tey
Hakguk and Tsu'tey move through the forest at night , surrounded by galaxies of shimmering bioluminescence. They move gracefully, soundlessly like two forest spirits.Hakguk's cat like pupils dilate. The forest at night floods his brain with its million bio-sources.

From overhead -- Hakguk and Tsu'tey bow-fishing
from a dugout canoe over huge glowing anemones at the bottom of a pool.
A large fish swims silhouetted against the pastel glow.
Hakguk drills it. He holds up the fish, triumphantly. Tsu'tey looks over with a smile on his face.

Another day
Tsu'tey stands close behind Hakguk , adjusting
his position as he draws his bow. Only now his hands are gentle with no yelling as they move on his arms, his shoulders. Aware of his touch, Hakguk's focus is broken.Their eyes meet and Tsu'tey pulls away quickly.

At night
they enter a clearing filled with chest-high ferns.Tsu'tey signals him to move slowly. They approach a creature on one of the ferns. An ugly, stick-like Lizard thing perched on a frond. As he approaches A long spine whips in a circle, unfurling a bioluminescent membrane -- a disk a meter across, opening like a Chinese fan. It flies off, a living Frisbee.

Video log

"Everything I thought up till now has been jumbled about. Like a word's like out there...Out there is the real world and here where I currently am is the dream...more like nightmare."

Back with Tsu'tey

Hakguk swallows hard as he draws his bow from his back. His eyes harden in concentration as he eyes his target. Soon he nocks the arrow and the whoosh of the arrow is heard. The arrow meets its target and Hakguk wastes no time in running over to perform the small ritual Na'vi's perform when they make a kill.

He pulls the arrow out of the hexapede's twitching body. He then pulls out a blade and nears the hexapede's heart.

" I See you Brother, and thank you. Your spirit goes with Eywa, your body stays behind to become part of the People." He ends the hexapede's life, Tsu'tey looks over with an approving look.

"A clean are ready."

Reality is a nightmare (Tsu'tey love story)Where stories live. Discover now