But Seokjin smiles at his mother reassuringly. “I’m at the university every day, Mom. I can keep an eye on the twins and make sure they don’t get into any trouble.” He sternly glances between Miran and Taehyung, who is now busy stuffing his mouth with lemon rice. “And a lot of students have been seeking me out for counseling these days. Probably due to exam stress and everything else that has happened. I can keep an eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary.”

Jaesung doesn’t look convinced, but he sighs. “We trust you.” He looks over his children. “All of you. But if there is one more…untoward incident, we’re pulling you out. And we may even temporarily disengage the functions of the university.”

Yuna gawks at him. “You can’t be serious, Jaesung. It’s dangerous-”

“But we have Seokjin hyung,” Taehyung drawls through a mouthful of bulgogi, his teeth grinding on the succulent meat noisily. His brother rolls his eyes at the rarely used honorific but Yuna doesn’t respond, a thoughtful glint in her irises.

The rest of the dinner passes by in a blur, minimal conversation flowing between them. Miran doesn’t say much; Taehyung and Seokjin continually banter over the texture of the meat and the taste of the sautéed sauce that he has whipped up for the occasion. Their parents excuse themselves once the dishes have been polished clean of their gravies and meatballs, and it is only when Jaesung and Yuna stride out of the room, that the three siblings slump in their chairs.

“Well, at least the food was good,” Taehyung quips, patting his stomach as he leans back in his seat. “You have outdone yourself, brother.” 

Seokjin grins proudly. “I had some help from Hongjoo. She is incredibly patient when it comes to my experiments.” Hongjoo is their cook, and their brother’s teacher for all things culinary. “Would you guys like some apple pie I baked today?” 

Miran nods in excitement; Seokjin’s pies are a blessing from heaven. He leaves the room, quickly returning with a platter of the baked treat and setting it before the twins. Taehyung doesn’t wait for his sister before digging in, stuffing spoonfuls of pie into his mouth and moaning at the delectable flavor. Miran snorts, whisking the platter towards her which incites a minor scuffle between her and Taehyung, and Seokjin has to squash it by equally dividing the pie in half.

After a few bites, she turns to him. “Speaking of students, does Min Yoongi still visit your office?”

Seokjin blinks in surprise but Taehyung doesn’t even bat an eyelid. It has become routine for his sister to bring up the topic of Yoongi these days. He knows her too well.

“Why do you ask?” the counselor asks her curiously, glancing at Taehyung who only shrugs.

“Min Yoongi is her latest fad,” he clarifies, all the while munching on the pie. He squeezes his eyes shut in ecstasy but they instantly shoot open when Miran punches him, making him chortle on the delicacy.

She refocuses on Seokjin. “Just asking. I remember him giving you a hard time. So I wanted to know if you’ve made any progress with him yet,” she states cautiously, watching for even the slightest hint of suspicion to flicker across Seokjin’s features. But her brother only sighs.

“Min Yoongi refuses to budge. He’s not a bad guy, but it is incredibly hard to restrain myself from reaching over the desk and strangling him,” he confesses, propping his elbows up on the table. “He makes me want to get a counselor myself.”

Taehyung waves his spoon at him. “Should you be talking about your patient like that?”

Miran ignores her twin. “There has to be a reason. He seems pretty amiable with me.” She sets her spoon beside her plate, her half of the pie scooped up by Taehyung during her momentary distraction.

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