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Meliodas POV e

She got up on the railing and she...She...Jumped.

"ELIZABETH!" i ran to got grabbed her..but..i was to late..we all stood there..silent..i fell to my knees..'I couldn't save her...I promised i would be there..but i wasn't"..I spoke with my hair covering my eyes.."Who was that captain?" King asked.."A girl..Who was broken.." I replied..

"LOOK!" i look up and see Diane pointing down at the water.. I ran up and see Elizabeth there struggling for help.She couldnt swim.... "Someone call the ambulance!" i see cars stopping and people getting out of there cars to see what is happening. I knew what i had to do...but it was why not? I got on the railing and took my jacket off.."What are you doing kid stop it!" I heard a man yell..But i had to save her..This day went by super fast..i met someone this day..and now i cant stop myself from losing her...I need to save her..i need to help her..I need to..I need to Hear her voice again...I jumped in and braced for impact..when i hit the water..i cut myself on a rock..but nothing to serious..For a very high up bridge you think you would actual die from falling..but no..I was swimming to Elizabeth and wrapped my arms around her..Her arm was out of its socket..."Okay Elizabeth i need you to hang on to me Your arm is out of socket so i'm going to push it back in alright?" She nodded with tears in her eyes..She wrapped her legs around me and one arm around my neck.."One...Two...Three." i counted down.."AH!" She screamed as it went back in place ..i held on to her and we were swimming in place for a while.."Why..?" she sobbed on my neck.."Why did you save me...Why do you care if i'm gone...Why are you so nice to me?" she kept asking me things..i just hugged her.."We need to wait for the rescue team to get here okay?..Can you kick your legs?" i asked..she looked at me and nodded..When she let go of me..She tried to stay above water..but..I dont think she can swim...she winced in pain..and grabbed her leg...She went under water and i was assuming she was looking at her leg..She got back up and gasped for air..I heard the sirens of the ambulance. "Come here" I told her...She slowly flouted to me and I hugged her...I felt so bad for this poor girl..why are people so awful to her...she is so sweet and kind..and very beautiful..."thank you.." I heard her say..quietly..


The rescue team came...

Elizabeth was in the ambulance..

We both had towels around us so we could dry off..I saw all my friends..

Then..i saw a girl with pinkish purple hair..With a grey hoodie and black pants on. She went up to Elizabeth and grabbed her wrist.."What the hell Ellie! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" She yelled at her.."YOU SHOULD KNOW NOT TO DO THIS>>WHO KNOWS HOW FATHER WILL ACT ABOUT IT!!"..."I'm Sorry Sister.." She mumbled back.."COME ON WERE GOING HOME RIGHT NOW!"...She pulled her and her towel came off.."Sister veronica Please i don't want to see father!" She yelled..her sweet voice cracking..How could everyone just let this happen to this poor girl..."Captain!" i saw Diane jump on me.."Are you okay?" She asked..I just kept staring at Elizabeth..."Lets go..." i said and walked off..

Why did just walk off...Why didn't i do anything...i wanted to but i couldn't..why?..

Elizabeth POV

My sister pulled me into her car..and we drove off..I saw..the boy.."When we get home go to your room..until father comes home" Sister said tome. I didn't say anything back...

When we reached the house i quickly ran to my room and locked the door...Crying..

I'm pathetic.."Why did that boy save me..Why does he care if i die..." I cried all of that night.."What will school be like tomorrow.."..soon it was morning..father never came home last night ..I wonder why...he has been going on a lot of dates lately...I was scared to go to school..what would people say..what would that boy say...I soon winced in arm really hurt..I looked down and saw something by one..."what didi do..." I said to myself..I don't remember doing this...I ran to the bathroom an washed my arm off...I found some cloth and wrapped my arm..why did I do this..some blood was seeking through...I just covers it with my sleeve an then I ran out the door before father woke up to scold me...I ran as fast as I could to school..I entered the class room an I saw everyone there staring at me..even the boy..and his friends..usually I'm the first one here..but not today..I hid myself behind my books and sat down..everyone still looking at me..i point my eyes to the boy..he had a worried look on his face...and everyone had a disgusted look...I soon look at my arm...blood was seeking through my sleeve..I jumped up quickly and ran to the bathroom...

Diane's POV
That girl..Elizabeth I think it was...had blood on  her arm...I looked at the captain and he had a worried look on his face...everyone was  staring at her..then she jumped and rN to the bathroom covering her arm..."I'll be right back" the captain said...I stopped him.."no it's alright I'll go.."..I ran out and went to the restroom where I though she might be..I walk in and see her right in front of me washing her arm and her sleeve.."hey Elizabeth right?" She gasped softly... Wow..she is very beautiful.."are you okay? You looked kind of sad..." I asked her...she didn't say anything.."oh how rude of name is Diane " I spoke once again.."a-rent you friends with that boy?- she asked me.."oh you mean Meliodas?" She nodded her head...I looked down at her arm...cuts....this poor girl...."here let me help"..I grabbed her hand gently and wiped her arm off...I relized I had my jacket around my waist and gave it to her.."here wear this" I smiled as handed it to her "oh no I couldn't possibly..." She smiled.."no I insist please" she nodded her head and I grabbed her hand once more.."hey Elizabeth..?" I asked
"Yeah?" She mumbled..
"Can we be friends ?"...when I said that she stopped in her tracks..
"Y-you want to be my friend..?" She sounded like she was going to cry..."of corse. You seem super nice and your very pretty also you look fun to hang out with! Who wouldn't be your friend" I smiled widely and we walked through the classroom. ..She sat down and everyone stared at her...the teacher never came.. The intercom came on and we all heard the loud voice of mr helbrem.."first period is canceled do to an emergency meeting. All students go to lunch.." Everyone got up and darted to talk to each other ..I also got up and was about to go over to Elizabeth but I saw someone talking to her....I think the girls name was....


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