I'm starting to sound like my mother. I'm 90% sure she had a conversation with Sage and I just like this a few years ago.

Silver walks up and gives me a hug, I sniff him to make sure he doesn't smell like anything he shouldn't. He's clean. "Of course sis, I just got sidetracked."

I eye the pair one last time before before leading Silver back to his brother, no way I'm leaving him alone. There's only a few minutes left in halftime and the players are stretching on the field.

I don't voice my concern to Stella, who's waiting by the fence. She'll just mention something to her parents about Sam being involved. I love the Hollins but her mom's Korean and she does not mess around. Especially when it comes to her kids misbehaving. I'm scared of her and she's not even in charge of me.

We watch the team get warmed back up, thankfully there seems to be a new found spark in their step. I can only imagine the ass chewing they got in the locker room. We need a strong two quarters to makeup for lost time.

I notice Sage, sporting the number 15, his rally jog going as he runs to the back of the line. He's one of the only Sophomores who dresses varsity, let alone plays.

Next to him is Ashton, wearing number 25 with a terrifying glare in place. It seems someone's not a good loser. He catches my eye and I prepare for the glare to deepen or for the bird to be sent my way. Instead he winks at me, a small smirk replacing the glare.

I shake my pom-poms and roll my eyes, ignoring the flustered flutter of my stomach. I hate to admit it but he's not that bad of a player, he had one small error but I think it was nerves.

"And to think, you're oblivious." Stella mutters, tightening her ponytail.

I frown at her. "Shouldn't you be happy? After all, you would love to date him."

She shrugs, "That was before I saw how intensely he was into you. Besides, I'm interested in someone else." She sighs, watching James run down the field wearing number 29.

I blink at her statement, wondering how someone so smart could be so stupid. "It won't last Stel, eventually he'll move on." Stating out loud the thought I've been thinking ever since the locker room Monday afternoon. And as for the other person she's interested in, unless a miracle happens, she'll still be single.

The feud between Avery and Stella officially happened over a t-shirt but Avery knew about her interest in James. My cousin doesn't like competition, hence her entire hatred for me.

She clicks her tongue as the buzzer rings, sounding the end of half time. "He'll only get away if you let him Scar, and even then I don't think it will be enough."

Madison begins herding us back into our spots, cutting us off from any further debate. Why does every person seem convinced that I'm wrong? I've lived this life for two years, I know exactly how people react when they find out.


In the last ten seconds of the game, we have the ball and have a lead of three points. One wrong move and we could lose everything.

Ashton makes the perfect throw to Sage. Who runs down the field, darting past and jumping over piles of already tackled players. He moves with such grace and poise, almost like a dance that should be impossible for someone his height.

The buzzer rings. We won the game. Holy shit.

We all scream and rush onto the field. I try to find one of the boys, pushing past the walls of jumping teenagers. Eventually I find Sage and give him a huge hug.

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