"Well, in that case, how can I refuse?" I said.

Gladion nodded, before leading me to the nearby studio.

There, Hau and Sun were dressed up as (HOT!) police officers.

"Hey Sun, Hau." I greeted.

"You're here?" Hau questioned.

"Yeah. Gladion invited me after crushing Aaron." I explained.

"I see. Well, Gladion, your outfit's in the dressing room." Sun explained.

Gladion nodded, before leaving.

"So, what're you currently working on?" I questioned.

"A cover of 'Not Today' by 'BTS'." Hau said.

"Cool. Can't wait to see it." I said.

"I bet you'll love it!" Sun said.

Once Gladion came back, they started working on it. I was at a complete loss for words. Their voices... Their talent... Is incredible!

... They're truly incredible...

... And in addition...

... In their outfits... 

... They're REALLY HOT!


After a while, practice was over and it was time for us to leave.

"Want one of us to take you home?" Sun asked.

"Nah, I'm fine. It's still daylight. I'll be alright." I said.

"You sure?" Gladion questioned.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." I said, before walking home.

Though, on the way, I noticed a man crossing the street, walking right up to me.

"Hey... Beautiful..." The man slurred, obviously drunk.

Now I regret not taking up on my parent's idea to not learn self-defense.

With no one near me, my only option was to run.

And by did I run.

As I was running, I noticed a house, and ran up to the house, and pounded on the door.

Please... Someone answer...

To my surprise, it was Hau.

"Hey (y/n)! Are you okay? You look a bit frightened." Hau asked.

"Please, let me in..." I begged.

"Sure." Hau said, before letting me in.

I then collapsed on his couch due to exhausting from running a lot.

"What happened?" Hau asked.

"I was walking home when I ran into a drunken man and-"

Hau cut me off by asking, "Where is he now?"

I explained that he was close last I saw, so...

We were cut off by the front door being forced open.

We turned our heads, to see the drunken man.

"I knew you'd be a naughty girl... Guess I'll have to punish you..." The drunken man threatened.

I could only shake in fear.

"Don't worry (y/n), everything will be fine. I'll take care of this guy." Hau said.


Hau cut me off by running up to the man and wrestling him to the ground.

I watched in amazement as Hau was able to knock the guy out cold.

When I was sure he was out, I approached Hau.

"How'd you...?" I questioned.

"My grandfather's been teaching me how to wrestle since I was small." Hau said, before calling 911.

... I see...

"They should be here soon. Would you like to stay the night?" Hau asked.

"Thanks, but I'll have to decline. Don't want to worry my grandparents. But... Will you walk me home?" I questioned.

"Sure. Just let me tell Hala that I'm going out." Hau said before running upstairs.

In mere moments, Hau was down and he was walking me home.

Most of the way walk home was in silence, which I didn't mind. I really need the silence to try to calm my nerves down.

Once we made it to my home, Hau left.

When I entered the home, I hurried to bed, wanting to end today as soon as possible.

I don't think I've ever been so frightened before.

... And hopefully...

.... It'll never happen again...

First off, the video is not mine! But it was the inspiration for this chapter (as well as the entire story... This video was the thing that made me get back into Pokemon). So yeah, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Later! =^-^=

... She's Mine... (Yandere!Alola Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now