thirty four

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I rushed around my bedroom trying to find something to wear and also keep an eye on the babies. My mind was possibly running a fill out marathon and it wasn't anywhere close to stopping. Even though I was still slightly sore from getting my stitches taken out only two days ago, I wasn't gonna bail on Brandon's offer to go out. I didn't want to feel like a bad mother by leaving my children only a week of having them, but they're in good hands. My mother had gladly accepted to watch them while I was out and you have no idea how many times I thanked her.

"Lily, i'm gonna take them downstairs. When did they last eat?" my brothers voice rang out in my room. I recognized Elena babbling incoherent things and I knew Nick was probably playing with her.

"About two hours ago. Just give them a bottle They actually need to be asleep by eight. If not, they'll be cranky in the morning." I told him, walking out of my bathroom. Just as I had suspected, Nick was kneeling on the ground in front of Elena, who laid on the bed, playing peek-a-boo.

Nick nodded and picked up Lorenzo and Elena, placing each one on either side of his chest, "Be careful." I called out to him as he left my room. I heard a chuckle fall from his lips as I walked back into my closet. I finally decided on an outfit.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and turned to the side

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I glanced at myself in the mirror and turned to the side. I remember last time I was here in the bedroom, I had just found out I was pregnant. I bit my lip and grabbed my shoes from beside my suitcase and slid them on.

I walked out of the bathroom and took my phone off the charger, keeping it in my grip as I walked out of my bedroom. I hurried down the stairs and searched for Elena and Lorenzo. "oh, my babies." I said, finding them on the couch. I pressed my lips to each of their temples and watched as their eyes went everywhere. "Why are you doing?" I asked them in my baby voice.

"Say, we're about to watch some football." My brother said as he walked out of the kitchen. I stood up and rolled my eyes as he sat in between the two babies, pulling them both onto his lap. "Say, go Giants!" he said, picking up on of their arms and pretending to fist bump with them. I chuckled as I heard the front door open.

I peeked around the corner and seen Brandon. "Hey," he said with a smile washing over his face as he walked over to me. He gave me a quick hug then pressed his lips against my forehead.

We're not a couple officially, but that's basically where we're going. Oh, and Nick and Brandon are friends once again. It took a lot of pleading from me to my brother, but he finally gave in. You could tell that he missed his best friend. You could tell both of them missed each other.

Brandon walked past me after letting me go and walked over to the twins, beginning to play with them. A small smile appeared on his face as he took Elena into his lap, sitting down next to Nick. I need to get their formula out. I made my way into the kitchen and opened the cabinet where I had placed their things. I grabbed the container of the formula and placed a scoop on each of their bottles, This should be all they need to go to sleep.

"You look beautiful." I slightly jumped at the feeling of his arms wrapping around my waist.

"Don't scare me like that." I said, turning around in his arms to face him. "So, what do you have planned for tonight?" I asked placing my hands on his biceps.

"Well, there's a fair downtown and I thought that would be fun. You okay with that?" he questioned quickly.

"Sounds fun." I said, making the crease between his eyebrows disappear. "We just need to wait on my mom." I told him, tapping his nose lightly. "Now let me go, I want to go see my babies." I joked, prying his arms off of me and walking into the living room.

I took Lorenzo out of Nick's arms and into mine, sitting down on the love seat. "You're so handsome." I said, tickling his sides. A smile fell on his lips and I softly screamed. That's the first time he smiled, "Oh my god, he's smiling." I said fanning my face. Nick and Brandon looked at me weirdly and I continued to play with Lorenzo.

An hour or so passed by and a knock came from the front door. I glanced down at my phone and checked the time. My mom told me should wouldn't be back from running errands until 5:30 and it was only 5:00. I stood up from the love seat and put Elena on my chest, walking to the front door.

"OH MY GOD, MACI!" I exclaimed, making Elena jump and begin crying. "Crap." I muttered as I tried to calm her down. "Come on in, Oh my god what are you even doing here?" I questioned, making my way from the door so that Maci could walk in.

"I didn't have anything else to do so I decided to come visit you and them." she said, her eyes fixated on Elena. "Can I see her?" She asked sheepishly. I nodded and placed the small baby into her arms. "God, shes beautiful." She said, staring down at her as she laid on her chest.

"How did you get her to stop crying so fast?" I questioned, a shocked look on my face. Elena is  usually the one that you can never get to stop crying. I usually have to coax her with a bottle or something. She shrugged and laughed as she continued to take in every aspect of her. "Well, come in here." I said, making my way into the living room.

Both Brandon and Nick hugged Maci as she walked in. It's been quite a while since we've all  been together. Maci took the spot on the live seat that I had once been sitting in and I sat down next to Brandon who had Lorenzo. While Nick, Brandon and Maci were talking I played with Lorenzo who was laying on Brandon's chest with his his face towards me.

"What are you doing." I questioned quietly as I bopped his nose. He fluttered his eyes as he tried to focus on my finger that tapped his nose lightly.

"Hey, Lily when are you coming back to Miami?"

✔ LITTLE MARA! ― (BRANDON ARREAGA)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu