twenty four

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I could feel his grip loosen and soon his hands were no longer in mine. My eyes were shut tightly as I tried to keep the tears back. I still didn't dare look up. It wouldn't surprise me if he left me here alone. The only reason I knew he was still there was because I could hear his distinct breathing.

"what?" It came out as a whisper. I looked up and seen his dark brown eyes staring straight at me. It looked as if he was staring straight through me.

"I'm pregnant." I said once again, not breaking our eye contact as he moved closer to me.

"Lily, I love you so much and I want you to remember that for what i'm about to say. With everything going on in my life, both of our lives, I think it'd be best if we take some time away from each other. Just to think over some things." he said, his eyes looking behind me.

"What are you saying?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed together. My throat felt like it was closing, making it harder for me to breathe. He brought his hand to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose before looking back at me.

He slowly began to back away before he said his last words, "I just need time." he said, leaving me standing alone in the middle of the trail.

Didn't he basically just say that he couldn't live without me only five minutes ago? He told me he hadn't eaten or slept in 72 hours because O wasn't by his side and now he's decided that he wants a break? Is he insane? Somethings not right in his head. I stood there for over ten minutes trying to process what had just happened but I seemed to get lost somewhere deep inside my mind so I had to restart the process of realizing he had just broken up with me. I knew I never should've came to LA. I knew somewhere deep in my mind that nothing would go right, but the small part of me hoped and wished everything would. I thought that he would've been supportive and loving of the fact that I was carrying something he made. Not to mention, I would be carrying it for nine months.

I walked back to the house and saw that the suburban was gone. Every part of me was hoping that it was Brandon that had left with it. I could not and would not be around him right now. I yanked the door open and made my way upstairs. Not a word left my mouth as I walked into the room that I had stayed in all summer long. It looked exactly the same from last I remembered. The room was completely silent. At this point, I didn't know what to do. I laid down in my bed as tears began to fall from my eyes. I'm so fucking tired of crying.


I woke up and looked at the clock sitting on my nightstand. 6:39pm.

I opened my phone and seen that I had 3 missed calls: 1 from my mom, 1 from Nick and 1 from Zion. I also had a some text messages

hey baby just checking on you,
how's everything going?

I couldn't answer her. I couldn't tell her that my boyfriend, the father of my unborn child, had just broken up me. I knew that if I told her, she would want details and ask why, but that's the thing. I didn't know why. hell, I wasn't sure if Brandon even knew why.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my bedroom door. Shortly after the knock, Zion and Edwin came in the room.

"I don't think you're supposed to walk in unless you're told to come in." I stated, bringing a pillow to my chest.

"Sorry, didn't mean to intrude. Nick asked us to check on you." Edwin said, his hands up in defense

"Yeah, you alright?" Zion asked, taking a seat on my bed.

I didn't even wanna talk about it right now. If anything, I actually wanted to go home. However, this was Zion and Edwin we're talking about here. I felt like I could tell them what was going on, not only because they seemed to genuinely be concerned, but because they had actually grew to become my best friends.

"Honestly No. I was gonna stay here for the weekend with you guys and everything was supposed to be perfect. Turns out, everything is going against me." I said letting out a deep sigh. "Where are the others?" I questioned just as a golden hair boy walked through the room. "AUSTIN!" I screamed, getting up to hug him. His arms wrapped around my torso and he picked me up slightly from the ground before placing me back down. "Hey Lily, I've missed you too," He laughed slightly. "Nick is with Brandon."

"I hate that i'm over her complaining and shit at y'all's house and everything. I shouldn't even be stressing over it. It's not good for the baby," I said placing a hand on my stomach. "I've missed you guys to much." I said as I hugged them individually.

"Ditto kid," Edwin said, poking my stomach.

"So, why are you here?" Austin asked, apologizing for no reason afterwards.

"Well, before I came here, me and Brandon had some disagreements and I came so we could resolve them. Thank God he paid for the plane ticket cause it was a waste of time and money. Just say at the least, we're officially not together anymore." I said, turning so I wasn't looking at them anymore.

It was quiet in the room before I stood up, "Can I use on of your laptops?" I asked, looking bright back at them.

"Why?" Zion asked laying back on my bed while Austin went to go retrieve a laptop so I could use it.

"Because, I need to get far away from here and Jersey." I said, pulling up the internet.

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