twenty nine

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I woke up in a dimly lit room. I could hear a TV playing softly and someone snoring lightly. I laid staring at the ceiling as I remembered what had occurred earlier. I'm in a hospital.I looked and glanced around the room lazily. A certain someone laid on the couch with his lips slightly parted and his brown hair messy.

My heart stopped as I looked back at myself. My belly was almost completely gone. What? No, God please don't tell me-

A soft muffled sob fell from my lips as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. Brandon sprung up from the couch and his eyes gazed over me, "No, it's not what you think." he said, standing up quickly and making his way over to me.

"What are you talking about? They're gone. They're dead." I cried out, looking at him.

"No, no. They're not. They're completely fine."

"No, my due date wasn't until mid February and it's only January." I said, still crying.

"Yes, but you were under a lot of stress and it caused the babies to start moving. That's what you were feeling earlier. They had to do an emergency C-section." he said, as I let my eyes widen.

"Where are they?" I asked quickly.

"They're in the infirmary. They're premature so they're under really close watch. I'll go ask someone if you can see them." he said, walking out of the room. I don't know why I hadn't  blown up at him. I wasn't even half way done telling him off at Simon's house.

I don't want him anywhere near them but the way he was acting made me feel otherwise. He didn't carry them around for eight months though, and he wasn't there for any of us. He left me standing alone after I told him.

"You can come see them, but you can't walk. Here's a wheelchair." he said as he walked through the door.

"Why can't I walk?" I questioned, my stubbornness taking over.

"Because you have thirteen stitches on your stomach and it'd probably be really painful." He chuckled, placing a wheelchair in front of me. "Will you let me help you?" he asked, his extending his hand out toward me.

I stared at it for a second before placing my hand in his. It was painful getting into the wheelchair. "Have you already seen them?" I asked as he wheeled me down the empty hallway.

"Yeah, they're really tiny." he said, making me lean my head back and look at him, "What?" he questioned, looking at me.

"Nothing, we just still need to talk and you're still not forgiven for what you did. The only reason you're not getting yelled at right now is because i'm in a lot of pain." I said, looking back ahead of me. "I didn't want you anywhere near them, but I can't do that. It's mean and i'm not mean." I said, hearing a baby cry.

A smile plastered across my face as we went into the room. Babies liked one wall and machines were placed by them. "There they are." he said, stopping me in front of an incubator. Wires were coming from every direction.

Tears built up in my eyes as I took in the sight of them.

They were beautiful

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They were beautiful. "You still need to name them." Brandon said as he stood beside me.

"Elena and Lorenzo." I stayed, not taking my eyes off of them. "I want to hold them." I said, still not letting my eyes leave them.

"Watch out ma'am." a voice said from behind me. A nurse wearing bright colored scrubs walked over to the other side of the incubator and did something, "Here you go," She said picking up Elena, "This is the girl. We tried to color coordinate them." she said, making Brandon and I both chuckle.

She laid perfectly in my arms. Her hands were moving all around. Even though she was just a newborn, she had a lot of hair. Dark brown hair, Just like Brandon and I. "And here's the boy. Would you like to hold him?" the nurse said, looking at Brandon.

His brown eyes looked at me and I nodded hesitantly, watching as the nurse laid Lorenzo in his arms. His eyes took in every aspect of the small child he had made. His eyes glazed over and he looked down at me once again. "Look at his eyes." He said, crouching down so I could look at the baby. His eyes were big and bright, just like mine. "He's beautiful, and so is she." he said, looking at the small baby in my arms.

She had yet to open her eyes, but I had a feeling her eyes were just as brown, and just as charming as Brandon's. Her facial features looked just like Brandons. I knew one of them would be a spitting image of him.

"Hi Elena, it's your mommy." I whispered, bringing my other hand up to grab hers. Tears sprung to my eyes as she held my pointer finger.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered.

✔ LITTLE MARA! ― (BRANDON ARREAGA)Where stories live. Discover now