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I woke up the next morning at 5:30 with a throbbing headache. Crap, the boys have an interview and performance today. Can't wait to see how awkward this can get. I glanced over to Macy's bed and seen that she was still asleep. As quietly as I could, I got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom. After I came into the room last night, I was confused. I didn't tell Macy what I found out because I don't think she needs to know. Nobody needed to Know. I didn't even want to know.

I splashed my face with cold water and patted it dry with a towel that was hanging from a hook that was attached to the wall. I opened the bathroom cabinet and room out my small bag that had everything I needed in it. I brushed my teeth and began doing something with my hair. It was slightly wavy from last night when I had washed it so I just grabbed my brush and went through it lightly. I did my makeup like usual before putting all
of my things up and walking out of the bathroom. Macy was sitting up in her bed with her phone in her lap.

"Good morning." I said, making her jump slightly.

"Well someone's up early. Good morning." she replied back, going back to her phone after sending me a smile. I walked over to the dresser in front of our beds and began trying to find an outfit.

After about 10 minutes of rummaging through my clothing, I just decided on something.

After about 10 minutes of rummaging through my clothing, I just decided on something

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Simple, but it took over 10 minutes to pick out. "I guess I have to get up now and try to look pretty." Macy groaned from behind me.

"Please, you don't have to try." I scoffed, taking a look at myself in the full body mirror hanging on the wall. "I'm hungry." I said at the same time as my stomach began growling.

I could hear Macy laugh from the bathroom just as the shower began running. I sat down on my bed and
took out my phone. Should I talk to Brandon or avoid him at all costs? I should just avoid everyone. Yeah I like that idea. Everyone except Macy.

my stomach continued to growl so I decided to go ahead and head down
to the lobby for breakfast. The ride on the elevator felt as if it were longer than usual, Maybe it was because I was hungry or maybe it was because I was all by myself. Not gonna lie, I was nervous to see who all was already in the lobby eating breakfast.

"Dude, no." I couldn't quite distinguish the voice, but as I rounded the corner my heart began to beat at its regular pace. It was only Edwin, Austin and Zion. I walked over to the small kitchen that was set up and grabbed a styrofoam bowl and a small box of lucky charms.

I poured the cereal into the bowl and threw my trash away. I then poured a small amount of milk into the bowl and grabbed a plastic spoon, making my way to an empty table. I ate my cereal quietly and didn't bother trying to converse with the guys. I acted as if I was too deep into my phone, when in reality I was listening to every word they said.

"Lily," a voice from behind me said as I threw my bowl away.

"Don't talk to me." I said, trying to walk past him. His hand wrapped around my wrist and I turned back to him, my blood beginning to boil. "Brandon, don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't even look at me. Okay?" I hissed, snatching my wrist away from him. I felt bad as I watched the twinkle in his brown eyes disappear, but he hurt me.

Once I walked into the lobby, I just still, sighing deeply. What time is it? I pulled out my phone and looked at the time; 7:12. The boys didn't have their interview until 12 I think.

"Liliana?" I turned around quickly and seen my brother, "Can I talk to you?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck. I nodded and followed behind him to the small sitting area in the center in the lobby.

"Look, i'm sorry about what I did last night. Unfortunately, everything I said was true but I didn't mean for it to come out like that." he said, making me slightly groan.

In a way, I wished that everything Nick said last night was just a lie and said out of anger. I wouldn't even be mad. I probably would be very pleased. "It's okay, you were just trying to keep me from getting hurt." I said, standing up as soon as he did.

"Yeah, because you're freaking stubborn as hell." he said, wrapping his arm around my neck loosely.

"That's rude." I muttered, hugging him back.

"AWE LOOK AT THE CUTE SIBLINGS!" Edwin yelled as the boys, and Macy, walked out the dining area. Brandon's stare was the first one I met and didn't release. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't. Our staring contest ended when he stared at the ground. "Your hair looks pretty." Zion said, grabbing a piece of my hair and throwing it. He continued to do this until Edwin said that we needed to go. We all piled into a black van and fortunately, Brandon sat in the back.

✔ LITTLE MARA! ― (BRANDON ARREAGA)Where stories live. Discover now