49. Beneath Every Lie is an Excuse...

Start from the beginning

How can you know? I pant, feeling a bit light headed again.

If she were to hate you, she'd snapped your back by now or at least June would've no doubt, Dylan chuckles, Shes the one. No matter how much you two argue or how little you speak to one another, she's the one in the end.

But she cant do this to us-

-Damon. Shes not out to kill us for the last time!

Males are to lead and be fierce-

-Theyre also meant to become big fat puppies drooling and yelping after their Mate's feet, Dylan added. I dont see you wagging your tail behind Nora do I?


Damon, give her a shot. Like Aria said in her note to you, apologize, make all possible amends necessary to earn your forgiveness. We need her. Nora would rather endure and weep her heart silently than seek vengeance, though, never be too sure of June but my point is. Do the right thing for once please Damon.

Dylan, you'll regret this by tomorrow. Why was I agreeing to this again?

We've found love in a hopeless place after years of living the shadows of the haunted Damon. What would you rather regret? He asked. With that, he drifted as a fog to the back of my head.

We've found love in Nora. In her quirky smile, drunk or sober, eye gestures as wild as the weather and brilliantly bright as the scorching summer sun or the crown of her face, halo of swaying brown bouncing with life whenever she'd walk with that slight skip in her heel.

I punch the floating bag angrily with my fist and as it swung back in return, I stagger back with force of it hitting me. Tightening the grip around the sides of the bag, I think about how I noticed everything about her, analyzing every little minor detail and yet I yearned to know more.

It feels as I didnt even know her well enough. Her favourite colour, her favourite midnight snack, her favourite series or novel, her favourite pizza toppings -I knew none of her.  I just wanted to memorize every curve, stroke her skin, kiss every last thing I loved about her and learn. Learn about her and how to love her they way she wanted, not me. She was my savior. A wildly sexy one.

Consequences be damned, Dylan was right. I had to try. I needed to talk to Nora, tell her how sorry I was for not living up to the expectations of being the one she visioned. Sorry for every time Ive mistreated her in such in an inhumane way. Sorry for every awful things Ive ever said or done to cause her that psychological trauma. I know I probably dont deserving for her forgiveness but Id never know if I never try. I could only pray her wolf was in the forgiving mood.

I give another final blow to the sack before brushing the sweat from my forehead. Just then my phone rang and for some odd reason, my heart skipped a beat when reading 'KADEN' on the caller ID. "Damon speaking."

He spoke rapidly yet being calm while explaining. There was a sharp buzzing sound by my ears as Kaden said every word. I swore. And swore more. I swore till the moment I disconnected the line and crushed the device in my fist. I swore even louder when the crushed fragments of my phone missed the head of the no good bimbo flirting by the far wall.

I could feel Dylan growing stronger, his power beginning too enhance my own as I kicked the punching bag to the point it swung off the line and hit the back wall with an alarming thump. Eyes turned and landed on me but were smart enough to look away and back a couple of steps up the second they caught my inhumane eyes.

Dashing to out the gym, I was on the verge of shifting just to get to car seconds faster. Anyone that happened to run into my path instantly scurried away with a bow of their head. I begin the ignition and rev the car out the parking lot into the clear night ahead. Driving to her borders could take hours if I hadn't driven at least tripled the speed limit. Or if some old hag hadn't had tried to cross the damn road when I decide to drive by, nearly dented my newly washed car.

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