About fifteen minutes later, the doctor came in the door and sat down beside the machine on his little spiny stool. "Hello Alpha, Luna. I am sorry that it took so long but it seems that there are a lot of sick and pregnant wolves today."

I smiled at him, "It's fine. But if you don't mind I would like to get this over with because, quite frankly, I'm hungry as hell."

Collin and the doc laughed, but he nodded. "Alright, I am going to ask you to lay down and pull your shirt up to right under your breasts." I nodded and pulled my shirt up and laid back on the table. "This will be sort of cold at first, but it will warm up." He then squirted some blue jell onto my belly and put the little stick thing on it.

I reached out for Collin's hand and he grabbed mine and squeezed. I stared up at the ceiling until I heard the doctor begin to talk. "Wow. This is a first," he said as he looked at the screen, shocked.

"So, doc. Lay it on me. How many? Two? Three?....Oh my god its four isn't it!"

"No. Actually, just one. And from the looks of it, it's a girl," he said. Just then, the room was filled with a soft beating. "One healthy little girl at that. That is your baby's heart beat. Congratulations!"

"Our baby," I whispered and Collins hand tightened on mine. I looked over at him. I didn't realise that I was crying until he wiped away the tears that were streaming down my face. He kissed me lightly on the lips and then we looked back over at the monitor and the doctor.

"Here are the prints and your next appointment date. I will see you in a few weeks." he said as he handed us the pictures and an appointment card.

"Thanks," Collin said and helped me up off of the table. We walked out of the building hand in hand and back out to the car. "You still hungry, love?"

I nodded. "Yes, I am. But I want to go shopping! And I want pickles!" He sighed and laughed, but drove me to the closest mall anyway. He parked as close as he could to the entrance to the mall and got out. We walked inside and went straight to the food court. I got a pickle, cookie dough ice cream, chicken fingers and a burger. Collin just got a burger and fries. The man behind the counter looked at me like I was crazy. "What? You never seen a pregnant woman before," I asked, stepping back so that he could see my belly. His face reddened and he handed over our food. "Thank you," I said and stomped off. Collin followed behind me laughing.

After we were finished eating, we threw our trash away and started walking around in different stores. As we walked around, we passed a furniture store and it got me thinking... We don't have enough room at the pack house for this baby. "Collin," I said and he stopped walking. My eyes were still glued to the furniture store.

"Yeah," he said as he looked at the furniture store and back at me confused.

"We need our own house."

"Uh, alright. We have the money, but why?"

I looked down at my tummy and rubbed it in circles, "Well, when our little baby peanut is born, we won't have enough room to raise her in our bedroom in the pack house, and I want her to have room to play while she is growing up."

Collin nodded and walked over putting his hand over my stomach, "Yeah, you're right. We can go looking tomorrow."  I nodded and he leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips. Just as he pulled away, I heard a voice that haunted my nightmares since I was fourteen years old.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't little Avie." His voice came from behind me and I automatically stiffened. Collin tightened his arms around me, keeping his hands on my belly in a protective manner for me and our pup. "Are you not going to turn around and greet an old friend?" This made my blood boil and I whipped around. His eyes landed on my stomach and he glared at me, "So, knocked up are we? I never thought you were the type to be a whore, Avie," he said shaking his head.

Collin immediately growled. "It's okay, Collin, baby, I'll take care of this," I whispered to Collin and turned back around, "What the hell do you want Aaron?" I growled out at him.

He took a step towards me and smiled, "You."

Collin growled again and tried to push me behind him, but I wouldn't allow it. "What the fuck, Aaron?! I have a boyfriend and I'm pregnant! I love Collin! Not you!"

'Boyfriend?' Collin asked in my head.

 'Yeah. He's human. Didn't you notice?'

He sniffed the air indiscreetly and nodded, 'Now I do.'

He took a step towards me and Collin. "I don't care if you are pregnant and have a boyfriend or not! You are mine and always will be."

'Who the fuck is he?' Collin asked me.

'He was my first  boyfriend, if you could even call him that. My mom set us up on a blind date when i was fourteen and I sort of liked him. But after we made it official, he got crazy possessive. He wouldn't let me hang around with Chris and Harley, and if I did he would hit me. Harley and Chris never knew what was going on...They just knew that I sort of dropped off of the face of the earth for a while. I finally broke up with him just before I turned fifteen and shifted for the first time. My mom was mad at me and said that he was the best thing that I could have ever gotten and she tried to make excuses for me to him and why I didn't mean it, but I never went back to him.'

'I'm so sorry, baby.'

'It's fine Collin. I have you now.' Aaron watched the entire silent conversation in confusion, but shook it off and reached out for me. Before he could touch me, Collin jumped in front of me and slapped his hand away.

"I suggest that you kep your hands away from my girlfriend," he growled and glared down at Aaron.

Aaron glared back up at him and it was almost comical, "Get out of my way, baby daddy. You should see this as a favor. I'm getting the kid and her off of your hands," he said and tried to push passed Collin. But before he could, Collin's fist shot out and Aaron was on the ground with a bleeding nose.

Collin squatted down and looked Aaron in the face, "Stay. Away. From MY girl." Aaron nodded, jumped up and ran away quickly. "Come on," Collin said and wrapped his arm around me as we started walking through the mall.


"Oh, yes."

"Oh, NO."

Collin and I were currently in a new store in the mall called "My Baby And Me" and I had picked up this too cute black shirt for Collin that had an arrow pointing up and said "Baby Daddy" in big white letters. I had picked out a black tank top that had "Mommy Loves Daddy" in yellow and pink letters and I thought that Collin should have a shirt like that too.

"Aww! Please, baby?"

"Avie.." he whined, but I trembled my bottom lip and acted like I was going to start crying. His eyes got big and he started to panic, "Don't cry Avie! OK, baby, I'm sorry, I'll get the shirt," he said and took mine and his shirts out of my hands and went to pay for them.

Wow. That was easier than I thought. I am so milking this pregnancy - no pun
intended - for all that it's worth.

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