"Anything! What you see,what you feel,what your learned. Try to get into the habit of doing this.I am most certain Dr.Augustine will make you anyway." I look back at the plant samples while Jake faces towards the camera and starts talking about all that information we have told him and his thoughts on said subject. We were in there for about 30 minutes and Jake kind of stopped talking to think.

"Hey what would have happened if Tommy didn't have a twin brother?" I look over at him and press my lips together. "We would have to have gotten rid of the Avatar...most likely by..killing him. It's a good thing however that tommy does have a twin brother." I smile at him then I open a book about the plant I was observing.

"Hey you guys come! Grace is about to get out the pod." I stand up and go over to Jake. "Alright come on Jake say goodbye." He grins at the camera and waves then I go over and turn it off. We make our way over to the other lab and right away Norm starts ranting to Jake about Grace. "Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program, and she wrote the book -- I mean literally wrote the book -- on Pandoran botany.!"

I can't say I'm not excited I meet Grace Augustine! I am ecstatic! She is honestly my hero! And it's such a big honor to be this close to her. My eomma was quite a big fan of Grace I mean the only reason my eomma gave me the book in the first place was because she had stood in line for quite a while trying to obtain it. And it wasn't for me but for her. Until she saw I had a greater chance at meeting her.

"Well that's because she likes plants better then people." I look over and try to contain my laughter. Damn I think I'm going to enjoy working with these people to be honest.

We walk over to the pods and see Grace sitting up and stretching. She looked to be about fifty or so with a strong face and beautiful intelligent like eyes. "Where is my goddam cigarette!!? See this picture what's wrong with this picture?" She had her hand up waiting for a cigarette which was handed to her by a scientist who was also carrying her while lab coat.

"And here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, Min Hakguk and Ja --" Grace turned to Norm and began to speak completely cutting Max off. "Norm I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?"

Norm fixes his jacket and begins to speak in a language Jake doesn't understand. The language itself is beautiful,it didn't take long for me to learn it only because I was so entranced by it. "May the All Mother smile upon our first meeting." Grace smiles a tad bit and pats Norm on the shoulder. "Not bad but you sound a little too formal." Norm looks down bashfully. "There is still much to learn."

Grace nods at him then she looks over at me. Well looks up at me since I'm a foot or so taller then her. "Min Hakguk! I am pleased to see you here. Your research has astounded me quite a lot. Top of the class correct? How is your Na'vi?" I look over at Norm and smirk before I begin to speak. "I would say I'm pretty good not as formal as Norm though."

Norm glares at me playfully and punches my shoulder. "What's with you and hitting me?" Grace laughs a bit at our interaction. "Your na'vi is amazing I expect nothing less of you do you understand?" I bob my head so she shakes my hand.

"Uh Grace this is Jake sul-" Max begins but Grace interrupts him yet again. "Yeah I know who you are and I don't need you I need your brother!" She tells Jake. She looks at Max with an aggravated expression. "You know the PhD who trained three years for this mission!?"

Jake's face tells me everything he is feeling. He looks offended and hurt but he is trying to mask it. "He is dead. I know it's a big inconvenience to everyone." Grace looks over then she sighs, her eyes show pity and sympathy. "How much lab training do you have?" Jake looks up innocently. "I've dissected a frog once."

I cover my mouth as to not make a sound but his answer was to damn funny. Norm looks over at me and we both turn away so Grace won't see us laughing. "You see? You see? They're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain!" She turned to Max and stomps away. "I'm going to see Selfridge!" Max winces and tries to stop her.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Grace opens the door roughly. "No this is bullshit!" She walks down the hall and we just stand in silence. After a moment or so Max pats Jake's shoulder. "Be Here, tomorrow, oh eight hundred.Try to use big words." Max motions for me to follow so I bid farewell to the two men and follow Max. "I want you to teach Jake Na'vi. Just some basic phrases." I look at Max then I sigh and stomp my foot.

"Alright alright."

Reality is a nightmare (Tsu'tey love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя