I spit my smoothie all over the table, Sage laughs and I don't know if it's over the text or the mess I just made. Probably both.

There's always room for improvement

Next thing I know there's a video of me spitting my smoothie in the chat. Thanks Sage. A bunch of laughing emojis are sent, then Ashton replies.

Well I guess we know she spits.

There's another round of laughter at his reply. Why did I not see that coming?

To bad you're never going to find out.

Challenge Accepted

He's delusional.

Dear Lord, is this what it's like to be in a chat with me and Sage?

It's worse.

You're all delusional

No dear sister that would be you.

I send back the middle finger emoji before putting my phone away. They can all kiss my ass.


We get to school to find a sea of red and black swarming the hallways. Everyone dressed up in anticipation for tonight's game. We play an unknown team from two counties over, the likelihood of us losing is slim.

The majority of the buzz is over Ashton. Everyone wants to see him play, or just to see him. I'm betting there will be a record breaking amount of girls in attendance tonight.

Sadly, that excitement doesn't carry over into Ms. Miller's class.

"You have a project due the week of winter break. It's 50% of your semester grade."  Her voice drones out like nails on a chalkboard.

The class groans and I lock eyes with Ella and Stella, we always do our projects together. The three of us nod in agreement just as the hag speaks again.

"You may only have one partner."

Well, shit. The girls glance between me and Ashton, who sits there wordlessly. He doesn't know anyone else in the class. They share a look. Oh no. I'm not about to be partners with him just so they can prove a point. My grade is more important than a scheme.

I shake my head violently at them but it's too late.

"I'm going to work with Stella." Ella says.

"So, Ashton, Scarlett's all yours." Stella finishes.

I hate both of them. He sends me a smug smile and I prepare for torture as we're given a literary novel of Ms. Millers choosing to study.

The girls are given The Great Gatsby.

We get A Devil In The White City.

I went over this book last year in my gifted class. It's an easy discussion if you know what to look for. I don't wait for my friends once class is over, still not amused by the stunt they pulled.

"So, Sweetheart, I vote we get together this weekend and work on our project." Ashton begins, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walk. Why does he always want to touch me? Hasn't he ever heard about boundaries?

I scoff. "First off, the project isn't due for a while, there's plenty of time." I remove his arm from me, "Secondly, don't worry, I'll have the project done in no time."

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