Chapter 20: To Domino City

Start from the beginning

Jaden looked down at Rose. She look relatively unharmed, with small cuts on her arms. She was asleep in Nightshade arms.

"I need to get her medical attention." Nightshade said. Jaden placed his hand on Rose's stomach, his hand flashed a white light. Alexis watched in amazement and confusion.

"He's so...strong and powerful. But why won't he tell me how?" Alexis thought to herself. "Maybe this little trip will get me some answers."

"She'll be fine, we'll just lay her down in a room." Jaden said. "HASSELBERRY!" He yelled, Hasselberry quickly ran to Jaden.

"Yes Sarge?"

"Would you mind carrying Rose to one of the rooms?"

"No problem." He then walked up to Nightshade and he held his arms out. Nightshade placed a light kiss on her forehead and placed her in Hasselberry's arms. He walked off towards one of the boats rooms.

"Now..." Jaden said, walking up to Nightshade. "You need to get fixed up." He then started pushing Nightshade towards another room.

"No." He said, he pushed Jaden to the side using his wing. He winced in pain as he did so. "I need to be with her. I need to keep her safe."

Jaden sighed. "Fine. 5th room on the left, it's where Hasselberry's bring Rose." 

Nightshade smiled weakly. "Thanks." He started walking towards that direction, but he walked with a limp in his right leg. Jaden rushed over and helped support his weight on his shoulder.

"Thanks Jay."

"Of course. Now come on." Jaden said. Only Alexis followed Jaden, everyone else decided to stay back and talk amongst themselves. 

They got to the room. Rose was laid down on the bed, her body covered with a blanket. Hasselberry was sitting in a chair in the right corner of the room. Nightshade sat down in one of the chairs to the left side of the room. Almost the moment his body sat down, he fell asleep.

"I don't know how to fix him." Jaden began. "Only he can heal, and I don't know how to the equipment on the ship."

"If he can heal, why didn't he heal himself?" Hasselberry asked. 

"He heals in a weird way. He takes the injuries from someone and makes them his own. That's probably was his chest and wings are all messed up, and Rose is relatively fine."

"Jasmine knows how to use first aid." Alexis said.

"That's great. Can you get her?" Jaden asked. She nodded and left the room. Jaden took a seat close to Hasselberry and sighed. "They're stronger than they used to be."

"What'd you expect? Of the course the enemy would grow before trying again." Hasselberry said.

"Those were just the normal warriors...If they could do that much to Rose and Nightshade...I don't want to know what the Elites could do."

"Don't worry." Hasselberry began. "Once we're all trained. We'll all take 'em down."

"Yeah." Jaden said with a smirk. "I hope your right buddy." He thought. He glanced over to Rose, she was stirring in her sleep, moaning quietly.

"She's having a nightmare." Jaden said. He got up and began walking over to Rose, but she shot up.

She gasped for air and placed her right hand over her heart. She darted her eyes around the room and began touching her arms, legs and chest quickly.

"Where's Nightshade?!" She yelled. Jaden pointed over to him, he was still sleep in the chair.

"Oh no." She threw the covers off herself and ran over to him. She gasped once she saw how hurt he was. "No, no, no..." She said quietly. "It was my fault." She took his hand in hers. "Your only hurt because of me." She started to tear up. "I didn't mean to..." She then started to cry. She released his hand and went to touch his chest. His eyes closed tighter and he grunted lightly in pain. She quickly pulled back her hand and wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

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